Delaware Liberal

Smart, tough, thoughtful leadership

The one thing I think most DL readers agree on, Republican and Democrat, liberal OR conservative is that this state has been “committee and blue ribbon commissioned” to death by this Roof Ann/John Carney administration.


That why I get so giddy when I find things like this in my inbox:




Markell to Discuss Plans to Protect Delawareans’ Quality of Life



State Treasurer Jack Markell will present his proposals to preserve the quality of life that makes Delaware a great place to live and work during a speech explaining “Why I Want to be Governor” to the Wilmington West Rotary Club. The proposals address zoning ordinances and other land-use topics, redevelopment of contaminated property, farmland preservation and the state’s ever-increasing traffic volume. Markell’s speech will also highlight his bold vision for innovative democratic solutions for health care, the economy, education and other major issues Delaware must tackle to secure a brighter future.

This kind of thing demonstrates that kind of smart, tough, thoughtful leadership we are going to need when you consider that fact that Delaware’s population will grow by about  220,000 int he next 25 years.  No more blue ribbon bullshit.

I can’t wait to hear Jack’s  take on these quality of life issues.

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