term of the day
Electile Dysfunction : the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for president and any other elected office position put forth by any party in the 2008 election year.
Electile Dysfunction : the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for president and any other elected office position put forth by any party in the 2008 election year.
So . . . all we need is AstraZeneca to make a little blue pill and a little red pill, depending on party affiliation, to assist us.
Beware, if voting takes longer than 4 hours you will probably need to see a doctor.
V. that’s good enough to bear repeating
I’ve got a better Term of the Day. This one describes the forthcoming titanic struggle between Dave ‘I’m Not a ‘Puglican Propagandist’ Burris and Mike ‘I’m Not a Pserial Pseudonymist’ Protack.
The term: ‘Blogorrhea’, which is defined as
” an excessive, often unintelligible, torrent of words polluting the blogosphere.”
@steve, same could be said about here.
More importantly, I do like that a good part of the Delaware governor election will be taking place in the blogosphere. It should make this a most interesting year.
DV did you make this up? It is being sent around by a GOPerhead and ended up in my inbox, unaccredited.
I wish I did. I tweaked it from the original version. So if it is word for word what I have up here, then it is from me.