Delaware Liberal


Being the uptighty whitey I am I was unaware of the lack of love Latinos and Blacks share for one another.  Perhaps this is a MSM meme being put forth but what they were saying in regards to the Democratic Party and this issue made sense and it doesn’t bode well for the Party.

The way I understand it is that this subtle yet effective race game the Clinton’s have forced out is/could have a demonstrative effect on part of the voters the party counts on.  That being the black vote.  Obama is siphoning off the black vote in large numbers.  I believe over 75% while Hillary is taking the Latino’s in similar numbers. 

So as Billary plays their typical Clinton style politics they are disenfranchising black voters that they will need come election time.  I hate the Clintons and what they are doing is shitty.  Bill sticks around in SC while Hillary moves on to the next state.  It is wrong and is exactly what we don’t need as a country.

So what we have is two fold right now.  The party is being split along racial lines as well as age lines.  The Clinton are taking older voters and Obama is taking younger voters. 

I can honestly say this if Clinton wins the Dem vote I’m praying for a third party.  I will not hold my nose and vote like I did for Kerry.  I may even cross over and vote for McCain.  No shit.  I would.  I hate what they are doing. 

 This country needs change and there is no way in hell the Clinton’s are going to make it happen. 

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