Delaware Liberal

The Delmarva Backroom Deal Smoking Gun(s)

If anyone is looking for a smoking gun that proves that Copeland, McDowell, and Adams entered into an agreement with Delmarva to derail and ultimately kill the Wind Power project just look down.

The floor is littered with smoking guns. You can’t take a step in Delaware without finding a smoking gun at your feet. We have become to smoking guns what Arlington National Cemetery is to grave markers. Every move that McDowell, Copeland and Adams have made since the eve of the PSC decision to go forward with the Blue water wind has been exactly in line with Gary Stockbridge and Delmarva’s desires.

Today’s smoking gun is this quote from Delmarva regarding McDowell’s call for more “hearings”:

Bill Yingling, spokesman for Delmarva Power, said: “We look forward to the hearings. This is about getting the best prices for our customers.”

Tommywonk blogs the full story.

Bottom line:
McDowell should just come out and say, “I work for Delmarva and this wind power deal is off. Get over it” This kabuki dance is nauseating.

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