Will you be watching?

Filed in National by on January 28, 2008

The Mrs Viti, Pop-Pop Viti and I will be enjoying some steak at Ruth Chris’ tonight and I don’t plan on rushing home to watch the Ahole in Chief.  Will anyone else be able to stomach watching him lie about the progess in Iraq and the economy?

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Not me.

  2. Brian says:

    Wonder if he will talk about why he withdrew the US from the Geneva Conventions?

  3. cassandra m says:

    I’m off on a business trip soon and a bunch of my colleagues are looking for someplace where we can watch, heckle and throw stuff at the TV.

    We are off to a Red State, though, so if you don’t hear from me again, its been nice knowing you!

  4. jason330 says:

    You a work for a cool company.

  5. cassandra m says:

    I certainly do, but these colleagues are my cohorts from other companies convening for the same meeting with this client.

    The last SOTU by this fool is a thing to celebrate!

  6. liz allen says:

    Sure I will watch with my pad and paper handy. Just continuing to add to the 935 LIES the idiot son has stated already. Wish there was a way to count how many times national and local corporate media…repeat the lies…it must be in the millions!

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Only if Shrub pulls a Budd Dwyer.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    Only after a fully disclosed Mea Culpa, of course.

    It’s the only honorable thing to do…