Delaware Liberal

Ask Dr. Liberal

DL Reader/Commenter Brian writes:

When did being a conservative come to mean these things?

More government, more spending, state of hoping for perpetual warfare with third world countries, increases taxes on those least able to afford it, while giving tax breaks to those who are obscenely wealthy.

Last time I looked it meant:

Conservative (Con-Ser-Vative); = a poltical ideology that embraces a healthy distrust of government scope to do what people can do, that reduces the size and scope of government, that cuts spending and prefers commerce over warfare as a mechanism to resolve international disputes, reduces taxes and governmental centralization of power.

Did you and Karl Rove change the definition or did the entire GOP decide to simply embrace another ideology? If so, why does that ideology look like national socialism? If not, please tell me what this new ideology is; I am a little confused.


Well Mike Castle says “fuck you” so Dr. Liberal will take a shot at responding.


Poor chap. Your mistake is thinking that “conservative” has some kind of fixed meaning. Did you know that in Austrailia “liberal” party is the crazy ass right win party? It’s true mate! Liberal and Conservatives they are just words.

Here in the states people who refer to themselves as “conservatives” are basically uncreative followers. They want simple black and white answers to complex problems and above all they want to feel like they are being led by a strong father figure.

So “conservative” has no real meaning outside of what the leader says it means at any given time. St. Ronny said it meant no more “affirmative action” but St. Dick Nixon was gung-ho about affirmative action. Go figure.

Right now Bush is the GOP daddy so if he says conservative means huge budget deficits and crazy ass military adventures then it simply does.

I hope that helps.

-Dr. Liberal

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