“Terror!!!! Everybody!!!! LISTEN UP!!! TERROR BITCHES !!!!”

Filed in National by on February 1, 2008

That is a paraphrase from a quote by Tom Ridge in 2004. His job was to basically go around yelling terror and getting all the wingnuts in such a panic that they would come to think that George Bush was the savior of the nation.

And Boy did it ever work. We still have some folks around here who are still keyed up over Tom Ridge’s TERROR!! show.

Well today Tom Ridge comes to Delaware to truck out the old “TERROR SHOW” like some kind of wing nut version of Carrot Top, as he attempts to keep the fear of terror hovering somewhere between a bright orange and a throbbing red.

Good luck Mr. Ridge. You carry your party’s hopes and dreams in your sack of fear

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (49)

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  1. Rebecca says:

    It worked out pretty well for old Ridge, big bucks job with a firm that contracts with the Dept. of Homeland Security. He’s the poster boy for the Neo-Con formula; get a cushy appointment in the government, screw it up, get moved out to an even cushier job in the private sector and laugh your butt off at the U.S. tax payers.

  2. Brian says:

    Ah!!! I am so scared I just duct taped my eyes shut and shit my pants.

  3. disbelief says:

    I was so scared I almost voted for torture!

  4. Brian says:

    I was so scared I waterboarded myself in the shower this morning.

  5. jason330 says:


    have you been hanging out with John Still by any chance?

  6. Brian says:

    No, but I think he waterboarded Donviti.

  7. Victim #2,276 says:

    I was so sure that terror wouldn’t happen here I was crushed to death in the collapse of World Trade Center #1. Well at least I can take confort in the fact that even liberals will never ever again believe it can’t happen here.

  8. disbelief says:

    Victim has a point. Nothing like a good bit of torture to make up for a tragedy. Sort of gives me that warm fuzzy.

  9. Brian says:

    Victim is right. We should torture them with devices and torture each other with restrictive legislation- that will make it all better. Nothing like the smell of roasting balls and a car battrery to wake you up in the morning.

  10. Brian says:

    Victim how are you typing us? If you are victim of WT#1 it seems difficult for me to imagine…but thank God, you are ok. Did Pat Robertson hold a seance and bring you back for us?

  11. donviti says:

    don’t you have a better chance of being killed by a bus than you do by a terrorist bombing?

    I’m more worried about getting picking up the dog shit in my yard tomorrow after all this freaking rain then I am about a terrorist bombing

  12. cassandra m says:

    You have a better chance of being killed in your car than by a terrorist bombing.

    But then, that does not mean that BushCo shouldn’t be vigilant about our collective security. Victim, I suspect, would be alot happier if he knew that BushCo was actually doing that.

  13. disbelief says:

    Plus, torturing people unrelated to our national tragedy makes them like us more!

  14. jason330 says:

    I wonder how many of the 9-11 vicitms that Chris prentends to speak for would say that that wanted thier blood to be repaid with the blood of 80,000 Iraqi men women and children?

    Not many I should think. We are not as blood thirsty a national as Chris thinks we are.

  15. Al Mascitti says:

    Hey victim, it’s not that we believe it can’t happen here. It’s that we think it’s not worth ripping up our Constitution to deal with it.

    If you’re this prone to wetting yourself, invest in some Depends.

  16. disbelief says:

    Terror Depends!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

  17. Chris says:

    “Hey victim, it’s not that we believe it can’t happen here. It’s that we think it’s not worth ripping up our Constitution to deal with it.”

    No. You would rather save ripping up the Constitution for more important things like silencing Conservative talk radio.

    The reality of the situation is liberals want to downplay the fear of terrorism because it takes attention away from their domestic agenda. Goverment should be redistrbuting wealth rather than actually trying to protect anyone.

  18. donviti says:

    don’t feed the trolls
    don’t feed the trolls
    don’t feed the trolls
    don’t feed the trolls
    don’t feed the trolls
    don’t feed the trolls

  19. cassandra m says:

    than actually trying to protect anyone.

    It is not as though we have a government that does this now.

    Just go change your Depends and cuddle up with your wingnut radio and you’ll be fine, Chris.

  20. Brian says:


    You realize how ridiculous that statement is. It is democrats in the legilsature who have been passing the legislation that the right wants. Anyway, it is not going to stop the problems, you need a systemic approach to deal with it.

    Like this; Dear President Bush- please do not award a special 21,000 additional student visas to angry Saudi men.

  21. Von Cracker says:

    I know Victim #2276, and you’re no Victim #2276!!!

  22. anon says:

    Nobody has redistributed more wealth than Bush and his GOP Congress.

  23. Chris says:

    “Nobody has redistributed more wealth than Bush and his GOP Congress.”

    Point taken. He took some of that tax money destined for the Fed govt. and gave it back to those that earned it.

    (Sorry, I know how offensive letting people keep what they earn is to you libbies.)

  24. Chris says:

    don’t feed the trollsdon’t feed the trollsdon’t feed the trollsdon’t feed the trollsdon’t feed the trollsdon’t feed the trolls’

    No need to shout DV. Just simply tell us you are on a diet.

  25. Von Cracker says:

    too bad it was mostly given to his base…

    Bush is the retarded Robin Hood.

  26. Brian says:

    His base are angry Saudi men? Or retarded?

  27. Brian says:

    You should not make fun of people with disabilities.

  28. donviti says:


    it’s ok chris doesn’t know we are talking about him

  29. Chris says:

    “too bad it was mostly given to his base”

    Well since tax cuts went to everyone and rebate checks even to those who didn’t make enough to even pay taxes, I guess he has a bigger base than even I thought!

  30. Brian says:

    Vote buying for the base? That is a good way to do it.

  31. anon says:

    Bush’s budget comes out in a few days… we’ll see where the wealth is redistributed.

  32. Chris says:

    “‘Vote buying for the base? That is a good way to do it.”

    OMG! Too funny. Sorry. Don’t mean to laugh, but those words coming from a lib carry NO WEIGHT! The kings of the government handouts. The ultimate vote buying ploy.

  33. anon says:

    no, really go ahead and laugh; it suits you.

    Wages are being taxed, middle-class equity is being stripped from pensions and homes, and that money is ending up in the accounts of the wealthy.

  34. donviti says:

    pensions? what a pension?

    I have a pension for a chicken cheese steak

  35. Brian says:

    Yes that is why I brought it up, I thought that people on the right were not supposed to be into vote buying or borrowing money from China and Saudi Arabia to pay for for rebates.

  36. cassandra m says:

    But IOKIYAR.

    They’ll all change their tunes on Jan 21, 2009.

  37. Chris says:

    “‘Vote buying for the base? That is a good way to do it.”

    We aren’t and we don’t. Most of us think this proposed rebate is dumb. Make tax cuts permanent. Cut them further if possible. But mailing out checks is vote buying worthy of the left.

  38. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, and the Republicans only send checks to corporations (and cash payments to Iraqis).

  39. Brian says:

    Geek, Not all repbulicans are the same….one is different.

  40. disbelief says:

    Like Senator Craig?

  41. Brian says:

    No he is special.

  42. Brian says:

    I bet he likes to waterboard….

  43. G Rex says:

    Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Why isn’t anyone talking about Ron Paul?

    (I think that’s who Brian means)

    If Ron Paul is elected, he’ll pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and we can drop the terror level all the way down to sunshine and lollipops because the Islamic terrorists will like us again.

  44. liberalgeek says:

    Brian, I was attempting to paint Republicans with a broad brush, much like Chris does to liberals. I know plenty of Republicans that don’t believe in the wholesale gifting of the treasury by Bush to the corps. Chris isn’t one of them, but I know of a few.

  45. disbelief says:

    G, in the alternative, is there anything we can do to make them hate us more?

  46. Brian says:

    Hi Chris,

    I was helping paint the borad bush by narrowing it down to our own Mike Castle!

  47. G Rex says:

    You mean apart from not converting to Islam? Hmmm, let me think.

  48. Brian says:

    Mike Castle converted to Islam. Jason get on it now…