Delaware Obama & McCain Betting Line

Filed in National by on February 4, 2008


The over/under for Obama is 54%

The over/under for Biden is 3%


The over/under for McCain is 52%

Put your predictions in the comment section. The best prognosticator will win a prize.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. JohnnyX says:

    Obama and Biden is hard…I’d like to think the rally will really shift things for Obama but I have this bad feeling that Biden will haul in a whole bunch of votes despite the fact that he’s out, just because it says Biden.

    Anyway, I’ll take the over on Biden, under on Obama, over on McCain.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    I’ll take the over on Biden(5%) and Obama(56%). I’ll take the under on McCain (46%)

  3. Over on Biden; under on Obama and over on McCain

  4. Steve Newton says:

    Under on Biden (2%) and Obama 48%); over on McCain (54%).

  5. R Smitty says:

    Under on Obama (49%)

    Over on Biden (4%)

    Under for McCain (45% – still too many choices to be too dominant)

  6. jason330 says:

    Not bad.

    BTW – smitty. the wife never had anything but contempt for the blog. But now (after sunday) she is a big fan.

  7. R Smitty says:

    Well, then I guess that means she will be celebrating the lifting of your one-year ban next week?

    O/U on Jason still being tossed into the river: tanked to 5% probability. His apparent snivelling, butt kissing, and hobknobbing on Sunday lifted him from the drink.

    Bastard. You stole my fun.

  8. Mat Marshall says:

    Under, under, over

  9. FSP says:

    Over, Over, Under (how can McCain get that many votes when he’s gonna LOSE!)

  10. anon says:

    Obama was the last name on the ballot, after Hillary and all the dropouts. Take the over on Biden and the under on Obama.

  11. RickJ says:

    Do Delawareans know how to vote for someone else if a Biden is on the ballot?

  12. Dana Garrett says:

    Obama wins by 2%; McCain wins by 6%.

    The over/under business I don’t understand. Is it a sports gambling thing?

  13. R Smitty says:

    Over/Under: the number given is a “par” number. The odds-makers set this as the break-even line. So, where Jason predicts Obama’s O/U as 54%, he is asking if you think he will end up Over 54 or Under 54. If the results give us 54, then it’s a tie and all “bets” are off.

    Not that I know anything about this business.