Live Blogging Super Tues Results Thread #1

Filed in National by on February 5, 2008

I’ll open up a new thread when we have some big news. Right now Liberalgeek and Donviti are headed to Newark Grotto’s – where I hope he finds a bunch of sad people- and then onto Joe’s Crab Shack

Obama big lead in DE according to exit polls: DE: C – 41.9, O – 55.6

Polls close in Delaware in 93 minutes.

DE department of Elections Results Link

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Brokaw on MSNBC thinks this is a sea-change election. Sounded very pro-Obama to me.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Here are the exit polls as the second wave show.
    Please let’s all remember they are only exit polls (remember President Kerry) and they may not have been weighted but if they hold any truth tonight is going to be unbelievable Obama. Please God make them true !

    GA: C- 25.5, O – 75

    CT: C – 45, O – 52.2

    IL: C – 29.1, O – 69.6

    AL: C – 37, O – 59.6

    DE: C – 41.9, O – 55.6

    MA: C – 47.3, O – 49.8

    MO: C – 45.1, O – 49.8

    TN: C – 51.6, O – 41.1

    NY: C – 55.6, O – 42.2

    NJ: C – 47, O – 52.2

    AR: C – 71.2, O – 25.5

    OK: C – 60.5, O – 30.4

    AZ: C – 44.8, O – 50.5

  3. jason330 says:

    Thanks Ben.

    I’m loving Rush Limbaugh trying to kill McCain.

  4. jason330 says:

    If these results hold Clinton would be done.

    I’m not a huge exit poll guy though.

  5. jason330 says:

    O.M.G Bey Buchanan is a freak show.

  6. Benjamin says:

    Yeah. I am trying not to get excited. The first wave for CA has Clinton up 50-47 but younger voters vote later in the day so still hope.

    I am trying hard not to get excited coz these are only exit polls as you said 🙂 I will be repeating “Remember President Kerry!” five times every time I feel like jumping up and down 🙂

  7. jason330 says:

    Man Romney and McCain hate each other. GOP civil war.


  8. For those in love with Obama’s stance on Iraq.

    Strategic Forecasting logo
    Foreign Policy and the President’s Irrelevance
    February 5, 2008 | 2051 GMT
    Graphic for Geopolitical Intelligence Report

    By George Friedman

    We are now a year away from the inauguration of a new president, and Super Tuesday has arrived, when it seems likely that the Democratic and Republican nominees will start to become obvious. At the moment, there is a toss-up between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton among the Democrats, while John McCain appears to be moving in front of Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee among the Republicans. It seems an opportune time to ask whether it matters who gets the nomination and who ultimately wins the November election, at least from the standpoint of foreign policy.

  9. jason330 says:

    From MSNBC a little bit ago:

    Democratic Voters Top Priorities
    Change: 53 percent
    Experience: 22 percent
    Cares About Me: 14 percent
    Electable: 9 percent

  10. Benjamin says:

    Urgh. Spam already.

  11. Benjamin says:

    And of those change voters Obama wins 75% which means he has 38% in his pocket just with those 🙂

  12. jason330 says:

    Sorry Protack.. too long. I’ll pst that tomorrow if you want.

  13. jason330 says:

    Anti-McCain is the last gasp for “social conservatives.”

  14. jason330 says:

    NBC news calls Georgia for Obama.

    How many delegates?…we don’t know yet.

  15. Jason O'Neill says:

    Everyone says change. But neither candidates nor the voters can define it. Change what?

  16. jason330 says:

    Old White Dems are not crazy about Obama.

  17. jason330 says:

    GA results:

    43% of white voters for Obama.

  18. Benjamin says:

    And 86% of the black votes go for him.
    To my frustrating friends who thought the race-baiting thing was a media-created storyline, how do you think a CLINTON gets to 14% of the BLACK votes ? Because African-Americans who would know better than all of the rest of us saw it for what it was and acted accordingly.

  19. jason330 says:

    Post that upstairs too.

  20. mobi-k says:

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