McDowell’s “Stall to Kill” Wind Power Hearing Set for Thurs

Filed in National by on February 5, 2008

If you ever doubted that Delmarva Power OWNS Harris McDowell and that they rigged this “hearing” process – just check out the wording of this press annoucement.

Sen. Harris McDowell and his Senate Energy and Transit Committee will take public testimony at a hearing Thursday on renewable energy and the Bluewater Wind project.

The hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Legislative Hall and will run until 9 p.m. People wishing to take part will be given up to five minutes to testify. They also may bring questions they would like the committee to ask in future hearings.

People wishing to testify should contact Sean Finnigan at 577-8718 or at by 5 p.m. today.

Testimony will be open, but first preference will be given to people who sign up in advance.

The committee will issue a report to the General Assembly in April with recommendations on “the most cost-effective green energy strategy for the state’s consumers.”

After five minutes of “first come first serve” testimony – McDowell is going to reveal the truth to the General Assembly. And that truth is already established which is “more questions have been raised” and “more hearings need to be held.”

Give me a freaking break.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Brian says:

    Just do not forget to sign up. You can take the energy strategy I laid out on another post or have someone else do it. It is absolutely important. It will determine the next hundred years worth of development.

  2. Brian says:

    …..and enegry production. We are the only state in the region not working on one. I wish we would take a lead and I offered an awesome plan that works.

  3. Tyler Nixon says:

    Someday Delaware will wake up to all the damage being done to our state by these liberal progressive Democrats like McDowell. Their failed policies for Delaware and their corrupt grip on power have set us back years.

    (I thought I would let Rebecca hear what she sounds like…in reverse.)

  4. Brian says:

    My comments with a rough outline are here the others with more detail are in previous posts on windpower on this the Delaware Liberal Blog and at FSP.

  5. liz allen says:

    Tyler: please do not refer to McDowell as a liberal…the man is right of center…always looking out for corporate Delaware, protecting his corporate buds, and not addressing the issues that his constituents and the citizens of Delaware want and need. There are many who pose as liberal or progressive, but their tactics and antics are similiar to the rightists.

  6. Tyler Nixon says:

    Liz – I am sure the good senator and his many Democratic supporters would disagree. Wind power is yet another casualty of having such a progressive liberal as Senator McDowell as a leading member of the Del Democratic party (rather than having as senator one of those big bad conservative Republicans). As long as the Democrats have more and more power it will all work itself out right?

    Really I was just pointing out the fallacy of those who say certain (or any) incumbent political power holders these days really represent the ideologies they claim. I look at their actions not their claims. McDowell is certainly not right in any sense of the word.

    leftists/rightists – I am having trouble seeing the difference when they are really just incumbentists.

  7. Brian says:

    I look at it this way, in order to save the system we live in, we need to change the system. The longer we delay the harder it gets. But we want to make sure we keep everything that is good and not lose that. But the thinking inside the box is not going to allow our generation to make the real dynamic changes we need to make. I am counting on all of you to ensure success for all of my generation. I have a feeling, it is just a feeling, that the longer we delay this the more painful it is going to become for all of us.

    Now, I have worked out an awesome plan, the plan is not perfect, but the strategy I outlined is perfect. I spent several years reading and working this out. I used John Nash’s theory of majority economics to develop a way to have a role for everyone. For a centralized energy develop system, for a decentralized system, and for individual initaitve and university development. It takes everything the best of what is out there and gives all of us in this state the oppurtunity to make money, lower prices and establish a system for everyone.

    If we get to the point where it is a work in progress I will be very happy. It capitalizes on all that is best about what we can do, and it is time for us to roll up the sleeves and start doing it. To get the politcal will- I am counting on all of you out in the blogosphere.

  8. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    “…….leftists/rightists – I am having trouble seeing the difference when they are really just incumbentists.”


    ….let’s just hope we can out live McDowell’s alcoholism….he must be damn close to Stage 4 by now.

    Those DelDems are a terrific group….instead of running an intervention they prop the old bastard up again and again. Even though they know he is not living in his district….I’ll bet those old F’wads are down in Middletown partying with him.

    Drunken Dems a new Chinese take out option??? nothing like Drunken Chicken though.

    Having been born w/a medium sized silver spoon in his mouth and w/all these years w/his hand in the cookie jar(s) ……It’s not like he needs the state pay check or pension…he is strictly there as Delmarva’s Dingleberry.