Delaware Liberal

McDowell’s “Stall to Kill” Wind Power Hearing Set for Thurs

If you ever doubted that Delmarva Power OWNS Harris McDowell and that they rigged this “hearing” process – just check out the wording of this press annoucement.

Sen. Harris McDowell and his Senate Energy and Transit Committee will take public testimony at a hearing Thursday on renewable energy and the Bluewater Wind project.

The hearing will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Legislative Hall and will run until 9 p.m. People wishing to take part will be given up to five minutes to testify. They also may bring questions they would like the committee to ask in future hearings.

People wishing to testify should contact Sean Finnigan at 577-8718 or at by 5 p.m. today.

Testimony will be open, but first preference will be given to people who sign up in advance.

The committee will issue a report to the General Assembly in April with recommendations on “the most cost-effective green energy strategy for the state’s consumers.”

After five minutes of “first come first serve” testimony – McDowell is going to reveal the truth to the General Assembly. And that truth is already established which is “more questions have been raised” and “more hearings need to be held.”

Give me a freaking break.

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