Wow! WDEL gets it.

Filed in National by on February 5, 2008

Many thanks to Nancy for passing this along.

Delaware Bloggers –

This is just a heads up that new to WDEL’s ElectionWatch coverage this year, we will be monitoring active Delaware blog threads pertaining to tonight’s Super Tuesday primary. We will be bringing our listeners, live on the air and online, some of the highlights from bloggers and their illustrious commentators. Time permitting, we’d also like to speak with a few of you on the air for some short interviews.

WDEL understands the importance local bloggers have in the political discourse and want to make sure the best and brightest are highlighted. This is a small portion of our overall dedication to bringing the people of Delaware the highest quality and most interactive news content possible, whether it be through your radio, computer, iPod, cellphone, or our own blogs.

Coverage begins at 7pm.

All we’d like to ask from you is just make sure you have some sort of active thread going tonight about the Super Tuesday primary – Delaware-centric is best.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (30)

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  1. disbelief says:

    When they get video, time to haul out donviti

  2. R Smitty says:

    ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod whatdoIwear? whatdoIwear? whatdoIwear? whatdoIwear? whatdoIwear? whatdoIwear? whatdoIwear?

    Wait, I’m not illustrious yet. DAMN IT!

    Jason: Frightland!

    There, that fixed my problem.

  3. nemski says:

    I got it once, but with some antibiotics, it was gone in a few days.

  4. Rob Foraker says:

    The visit from Obama was well staged…I don’t believe he will be our next president because of the simple reason that he is Muslim. There is a large part of our society whom still carry hatred for ones ethnicity. ..Obama has been real spam on the internet with his begging for political donations…Money may buy fame, but fame doesn’t always get you money…. In future elections in Delaware there will be a third candidate and a third party, a party whom doesn’t need to win to achieve success and one who doesn’t need to buy fame. The best plan is an effective solution..
    “I’d bring a lot of people back down to earth,” he said. “I’d bring Delaware politics back down to earth. There’s a 100 percent chance of that happening.”

  5. Rob Foraker says:

    The visit from Obama was well staged…I don’t believe he will be our next president because of the simple reason that he is Muslim. There is a large part of our society whom still carry hatred for ones ethnicity. ..Obama has been real spam on the internet with his begging for political donations…Money may buy fame, but fame doesn’t always get you money…. In future elections in Delaware there will be a third candidate and a third party, a party whom doesn’t need to win to achieve success and one who doesn’t need to buy fame. The best plan is an effective solution..

  6. jason330 says:

    Rob –

    Would you be surprised to find out that Obama is a Christian?

  7. Rob Foraker says:

    I believe Rick Jensen should listen to past remarks from himself to be consistant in remarks he makes in the future…

  8. Rob Foraker says:

    Don’t think it’s going to help him….

  9. R Smitty says:

    I think he’s polka dotted, too. I hear there’s a big back lash against polka music.

    My God, any one that still rides that Muslim angle on Barack is incredibly naive or misinformed. It’s sickingly disgusting for what it does to both Muslims (stereotyping of implied fear) and Barack (attempting to draw him as a terrorist via the aforementioned stereotyping).

    Let the nashing of teeth begin.

  10. Rob Foraker says:

    Would you be surprised to find out that Obama is a Christian? Rob says, Don’t think being is going to change the was…

  11. Rob Foraker says:

    Smitty says, My God, any one that still rides that Muslim angle on Barack is incredibly naive or misinformed. It’s sickingly disgusting for what it does to both Muslims (stereotyping of implied fear) and Barack (attempting to draw him as a terrorist via the aforementioned stereotyping).

    Let the nashing of teeth begin….Rob says, Welcome to America

  12. jason330 says:

    Dang it. My “Rob Foraker” to English translator is broken.

  13. R Smitty says:

    I think it’s that stereotype angle I mentioned before, Jason.

    My teeth are gnashing…they are gnashing.

  14. Rob Foraker says:

    Furthermore I listened to rick accually make fun of voters choices today. Any candidate on the ballot deserves the same respect whether their in the race or not…The voters deserve the same respect on choosing their favorites..Is our first right of choice being taken away from us ?

  15. Rob Foraker says:

    Don’t think being is going to change the was….being Christian..was Muslim

  16. Rob Foraker says:

    What the Hell kind of news does WDEL have. This morning John Carney unvailed a stimulus package and this BULL was aired on the radio. Does the top canidates have a little money invested?.. or are you that stupid to air this? or do you think the public is as stupid as your being? You said nothing, in one breath you insult Governor Minner and praise John Carney for following in her footsteps. The solution is right in front of you..don’t be fooled by this.

  17. Rob Foraker says:

    What the Hell kind of news does WDEL have. This morning John Carney unveiled a stimulus package and this BULL was aired on the radio. Does the top candidates have a little money invested?.. or are you that stupid to air this? or do you think the public is as stupid as your being? You said nothing, in one breath you insult Governor Minner and praise John Carney for following in her footsteps. The solution is right in front of you..don’t be fooled by this.

  18. Chris Carl says:


    It’s not our job to determine the validity of a candidate’s platform. “We report, you decide.”

    Also, the WDEL News Department has NEVER insulted Gov. Minner.

    Chris Carl
    News Director
    WDEL-AM &

  19. Rob Foraker says:

    Chris, I was stunned by the news of John Carney’s anouncement on your news. The newscast was a promotion for his campaign of which is not local news. I was surprised to hear WDEL put themselves in the position of campaign workers then aired to your listeners. As for Governor Minner I think its in bad taste for Rick Gensen to insult her in one breath then then praise John Carney in the next breath when in they are both the same.

  20. jason330 says:

    C’mon man. Carney got some media. That’s what he is supposed to do.

    Nothing to see here folks, move along…more along.

  21. liberalgeek says:


    Honestly, up the dosage, cut out the recreational pharmaceuticals…something. You have serious stability and reality issues.

  22. John Feroce says:


    Are you advocating the installment of cameras throughout Delaware?

    Is your email – ?

  23. Rob Foraker says:

    Liberal geek, Obviously we run in different circles. The use of recreational sedating products are part of this American dream we live everyday or did you just wake up? …John Feroce, In my line of work I generally see at least 50 laws a day being broken. Driving in most neighborhoods around Rt40. The streets are tough. I do advocate cameras in every police vehicle.

  24. Dorian Gray says:

    Mr Foraker – If you think you reading proficiency is up to it, perhaps you should try reading Orwell. On second thought, maybe just try reading Dr. Seuss and work you’re way up.

    Didn’t you build a bunker in your yard for Y2K? Admit it, you did!

    I remember that WNJ piece about your cameras a few years back. You work on Main St in Newark, yeah?

    Please post more comments, your kind of buffoonery gives me an elevated sense of mental aptitude. I love that there is yet another person I am intellectually superior to.

    C’mon, stroke my ego.

  25. Rob Foraker says:

    Your intellectually superior mind impresses me….I Look forward to your communication….Maybe the wizard can give you even more brains….There’s no place like home..

  26. Rob Foraker says:

    Dorian I remember you now…

  27. Rob Foraker says:

    Rob,s Healthcare policy..There is 105,000 Delawareans who don’t have health insurance… My plan would start with the by offering yearly rebates from the state for the insured population giving incentive to the uninsured… Offer our younger drivers larger rebate checks yearly for good behavior…. All Delawareans would be included. Fewer deaths would occur from driving errors…. A yearly rebate would be offered owners of newer vehicles giving incentive to purchase newer model vehicles… Our illegal population would try harder to become Americans. The extra money given to tax payers would in turn stimulate the economy while driving costs down….

    February 11th, 2008 at 12:32 am

  28. Rob Foraker says:

    Hello, I want to give a statement on Barack Obama’s movement now upsetting certain elements within our communities. Crime will grow more rapidly with this movement. Parts of our communities are better left alone and it appears the Obama Movement has sparked this possibility of higher than usual crime rates. Please be aware of this…

    February 20th, 2008 at 8:22 am

  29. Rob Foraker says:

    Now I realise some people don’t take me serious about my run for Governor, when in fact I couldn’t be more serious about this. My intentions was to learn how our government operates for the people. Thus far I recieve mostly insulting comments on the net. My run for governor is a joke…the joke being on my critics of whom make their intention to insult me. Things have went as far as to publically humiliate me on WDEL radio. What extremes people go to break my will succeed in this election. I must be a big threat to other politicians or the candidates are a bit worried about their votes. This does truly puzzle me. Pay attention to comments posted on this blog concerning me.