Obama Wins Big! (don’t expect to the MSM to cover it)

Filed in National by on February 6, 2008

State Wins:

Obama – 13

Clinton – 8

Delegate Projections:

841 – Obama

837 – Clinton

And to put those numbers in perspective, Obama closed huge gaps and hoped to stay within 100 delegates of Clinton. I’d say he kicked ass.


I Googled these terms under the “news” tab: “Obama wins” then google “Clinton wins”

16,685 – Obama

18,459 – Clinton

The media simply favors Clinton. I don’t know why but it is a fact.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Okello Eugene Pacelli says:

    ‘Sen. Obama’s slogan ‘Time for Change’ is one that favours both the Democratic candidates for the 4th November American elections. It may be interpreted by suppoters of both candidates as time for change for the first Black American President as well as time for change from male American presidents to the first female one’
    However, the real change is that which will be reflected by Americans voting Sen. Obama.

    Okello Eugene Pacelli, Uganda.

  2. Dana says:

    I flip between two stations in the morning while getting ready for work: WBRE out of Wilkes-Barre — because they are talking about the weather closer to where I live and work — and WPVI out of Philadelphia, because they’re in high-def, and it’s always good to check out Karen Rogers and Amy Buckman! (And Erica Grow and Jessice Borg on the weekends.)

    Well, this morning, I was told by one station that Senator Obama won a plurality of delegates selected yesterday, and on the other, that Senator Clinton won the plurality of delegates selected yesterday!