Delaware Liberal

UPDATED: DelawareLiberal Readers For Obama Fundraising Drive

2/7/2008 9:28 am UPDATE:

9 contributors for a total of $525.00.

That’s 75%. We are getting tantalizingly close to the $700.00 goal!

If you have NEVER donated to ANY political campaign I want you to donate $25.00 today! You will not spontaneuously combust. I promise.

I’m looking for three first timers to donate $25.00 each by 6:00pm. Let’s get it done.

Click here to donate $5.00 $10.00, $20.00 or $200.00 to Barack Obama.


Let’s “show” rather than “tell” the super-delegates what to do. They can all count.

Throw in some money and send the link around to anyone you know who likes the authentic American values that barack Obama is championing with his campaign.

Talking to your friends and family about Barack Obama and his vision for the country is important – but it is also important to kick in a few bucks.
The goal of this page is to raise a measily $700 for Obama. Let’s get it done.

This is the official theme song to the “delawareliberal Readers for Obama Fundraising Drive”

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