Delaware Liberal

Obama kicking ass and taking names

“We won in Louisiana, we won in Nebraska, we won in Washington state,” Obama told a roaring crowd at a Democratic fundraising dinner in Richmond last night. “We won north, we won south, we won in between. And I believe that we can win Virginia on Tuesday if you’re ready to stand for change.”

and lest you forget what politics at this level is all about please allow me to remind you…

Clinton campaign officials did not even attempt to assert that it had been a good day for their candidate, but they announced that Clinton had raised $10 million from 100,000 donors since Super Tuesday.

The Clinton Campaign is trying to control the press too.  Gee what current elected officials in the white house do that now?  Lets stop and think really hard if this is the “change” we want

Clinton’s campaign has launched a coordinated effort to discredit Chris Matthews, the host of “Hardball,” and has also criticized “Meet the Press” host Tim Russert for his aggressive questioning of the candidate during a Democratic debate earlier this year.

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