
Filed in National by on February 11, 2008

I’m surprised Dave posted on Nancy Wagner if he was going to put up such weak shit.

He is basically saying:

Well, nepotism is a problem throughout government and you can’t really single out Nancy Wagner because she is just doing what everyone else (Minner, Keeley, Cook and about 12 others) are doing.

Only…she is not doing what everyone else is doing. She raised the bar.

As Delaware Dem points out,

“…Nancy Wagner has slipped in a yearly earmark to ensure that her husband is not laying around the house not doing anything. If that’s not an abuse of her office, I am not sure what is. If it is not an ethics violation, then why do we even have ethics guidelines?”

And if that were not enough – Wagner had already indicated that she and propriety were not even remotely acquainted with each other when she accepted a job at DSU to basically be an in house lobbyist. And if you think that the last statement is hyperbole, here is the brazenly candid DSU press release that discuss the “Community Relations” she was going to be manage.

This is not run of the mill perfidy. The “the Dems do it too” defense is weak at best.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (40)

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  1. There should be a much stronger anti nepotism policy and a bit more public disclosure on who is getting hired.

    This process is a bi partisan mess.

  2. jason330 says:

    I Agree.

    …and I don’t buy Adams’ contention that you have to hire relatives in DE because the labor pool is too small.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Jason….please tell me you know how to spell Delaware. I expect all kinds of weird spellings of Delaware on Daily Kos, but here?


  4. jason330 says:

    my typing is dad.

  5. anon says:

    Barrish on WDEL tomorrow at 10:00 to discuss Wagner issue.

  6. liz allen says:

    Who expects the Snooze Journal to reveal much. Nepotism is alive and well and always has been. Both parties equally guilty.

    Where is the Inspector General with his magnifiying glass to reveal the “dover dirty laundry” with subpoena’s in hand?

    We all know it may take another 30 years for the Ethics Committee to reconvene.

    I feel sure Chris Barrish will tell us all the Editorial Board will permit him to tell us.

    Keep your notes Chris will make a great book someday!

  7. Dana Garrett says:


    The difference between you & Dave is that you’ll post criticisms and even attacks on Dems like McDowell, Adams, Carper , Minner, etc.

    But Dave won’t name Repubs. He’ll talk about nepotism in general but won’t relate it to a DE Repub specifically. Atkins was the only exception and then he did it after it had nearly become passé to do so.

    And you are correct. Wagner’s case is particularly egregious because she created a NEW position for her hubby off-budget and had it placed in a large bill that gets into the hands of the legislators 2-3 hours before it’s voted on on the last day of legislative session.

    Given how Dave has no hesitation to condemn errant Dems, his failure to condemn her can only be understood as agreement w/ her corrupt actions. After all, that’s the test he gives to Dem elected officials who fail to condemn Gov. Minner. 😉

  8. Al Mascitti says:

    The NJ’s editorial board has no control over what anyone at TNJ says. The editorial board and the newsroom are separate operations.

  9. John Feroce says:

    “The difference between you & Dave is that you’ll post criticisms and even attacks on Dems like McDowell, Adams, Carper , Minner, etc.”


    While I don’t challenge your point as written, I would like for you to at least acknowledge the following when judging Dave.

    Can we agree that Jason does not talk to those he writes about or participate in party functions and within the party apparatus in the same manner as Dave?

    This makes a HUGE difference. If Jason is or has been an official within the party and routinely works with other Democratic officials, then I’m wrong and I apologize. If not, then please take this into account when passing judgement on Dave or anyone else who is heavily involved in their party.

    I suggest the distinction is great although they share the blogger designation.

    If you recall the ax wielded against former Representative Atkins was fatal because the Sussex County Chair made a stink, not Blogger Dave Burris.

  10. Sagacious Steve says:

    Feroce is right. We ignore the fact that the exalted Dave is basically a propagandist for the Rethuglican Party.

    And, while math was never my strong suit, 22 minus Lofink and Wagner= 20. That, my friends, places the R’s in the minority in the House of Reps. And that’s before any R’s are wondering if it even makes sense to run again by having their chances lashed to the seasick mast of the SS Protack.

    So Dave’ll be in full circle the wagons mode from now thru November. Don’t look for anything but self-serving rationales from him from here on out.

  11. John Feroce says:

    Sagacious Steve,

    You can sarcastically ignore the facts, but I would state that his effectiveness when it comes to change or getting an audience to consider different positions is far greater than some anonymous blogger who gets his thrills conducting literary drive-bys.

    The greatest change occurs from inside out.

    You have some balls attacking us when you obviously could give a shit about real change or you’d be knocking your guys down to get true reform installed at the top.

    Let me suggest the ways you can help:

    1. Get the 20k folks who showed up in Rodney Square to do the same at Leg hall

    2. Have a primary against every single one of your folks

    3. Urge Democrats to sit out and not vote the way some are urging Republicans to do


    4. STFU

  12. Sagacious Steve says:

    Geez, John, musta touched a nerve. Bottom line is that Dave is a once and future party aparatchik, period. I know he gives you lotsa column inches to spew your verbiage, but he is a politico pretending to be a blogger. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you don’t try to present yourself as some even-handed clarion of virtue.

    I’ve read Dave’s stuff, and most of it reminds me of what Mike Huckabee calls the ‘Club for Greed’ talking points. You know, the stuff that has turned surpluses into massive deficits while the well-connected have padded their bank accounts and looted the public treasury while creating a Potemkin Village government.

    I must admit, though, it’s hard to counter silver-tongued oratory like “STFU”. You are indeed a cunning linguist.

  13. disbelief says:

    I like the arguments based on cliche: “The greatest change occurs from inside out.”

    Like the Goths and Visigoths? Spanish invasion of S. America? The slaughter of the American Indian?

  14. R Smitty says:

    It’s all Dave’s fault…it always is…this is about Dave, isn’t it?

    I blame him for Valero spewing stink over my neighborhood this morning, too.

  15. donviti says:

    I wish I had a rich dad that could get me to win the AG spot! then I would clip cars up and down I-95 every weekend!

  16. R Smitty says:

    Wait, is that some sort of hybrid of Wharton and Biden? Feau Biton?

  17. donviti says:

    is it me or does Giovanni’s old “you aren’t close to the action so you don’t know” excuse regarding jason bullshit?

    I mean come on. Sometimes the people removed from the situation have the best perspective.

    Feroce’s response reeks of typical politics and washington in general.

  18. R Smitty says:

    I blame Dave for that, too.

  19. John Feroce says:

    “Geez, John, musta touched a nerve.”

    You didn’t Steve, the manner in which I deliver my positions is the same online or in-person.

    That’s the difference, you have folks getting a paycheck as legislators who have no interest in making change. It’s all a go along to get along attitude.

    I get pissed when you have experienced people up and down this state with deep knowledge of the establishment’s employment of techniques designed to carry on poor and selfish practices, yet are kept out of the decision-making process by those using immature arguments like calling people carpet-baggers or the like.

    Yeah, I hold a grudge because I know that I don’t need a newspaper reporter to uncover what is wrong with our legislature, I’d have so many changes flooding those guys in Dover they’d have to change the name to Glenville.

  20. nemski says:

    I wish I had a rich dad that could get me to win the AG spot! then I would clip cars up and down I-95 every weekend!

    DV, your confusing Biden and Wharton. The new job taxing ur brain?

  21. John Feroce says:

    “is it me or does Giovanni’s old “you aren’t close to the action so you don’t know” excuse regarding jason bullshit?”

    DV – It’s not about being close to the action, it’s the interaction.

    You are better informed if those that are conducting legislative activity don’t “hide” from you but rather speak loosely because they’re comfortable that what they say won’t get dumped on them daily.

    I think the two different approaches are actually necessary. I unlike you however, seem to be able to make the distinction.

    BTW, decide which name you want to use for me, or are you always so eager to bait someone’s ethnicity, and don’t give me you’re Italian too bullshit.

    If you haven’t noticed, I have chosen to use DV instead of Fuckhead so as to not be accused of a double standard.

  22. donviti says:

    I did it on purpose nemski. all politicians at that level blur into one in my opinion.

  23. R Smitty says:

    The new job taxing ur brain?

    Wait a minute….did you take the new job?

    BTW, I blame Burris, if you did.

  24. donviti says:

    I work for the enemy. I’m like brad pitt in fight club. I’m getting closer so I can destroy it 🙂

  25. donviti says:

    what name is on your Birth certificate fuck tard?

    or how about the names you give on your website?

    You are the one giving out multiple names dipshit….not me.

    I could care less what you call me by the way. I have low self esteem ever since I learned your 4 year old could kick my ass 🙂

  26. R Smitty says:

    Where is this…um…enemy? (Shoot me an email – you know where)

    Just for the record, so no one gets wrong ideas…

    you fucktard!

  27. R Smitty says:

    Nevermind…I figured it out. I guess it explains why your daytime posting has dwindled over time.

    I blame Burris.

  28. disbelief says:

    Smitty: it was funny the first 100 times. Now give it a rest.

  29. John Feroce says:

    You can use either one as long as it’s not meant to be an ethnic jab.

    Last time I checked you’re not buying eyeglasses off of me and you’re not a girl, so there’s no need for you to appreciate and use Giovanni 🙂

  30. R Smitty says:

    No, there’s a point, not just snark.

    Thanks for what you said, though. It plays right into my point…and I thank Dave for making it all possible.

  31. Anonymous says:

    I can’t wait until Feroce runs for public office again, and touts his republican moral convictions. And then we can whip out all these posts where he uses the “F” bomb. Priceless.

  32. donviti says:

    if you knew my first name Giovanni you would understand. I appreciate a good ol’ fashioned italian name.

    I was named after my Poppop

  33. R Smitty says:

    So, anony brings up a point. Are all that happen on blogs “fun and good” and “shouldn’t be taken seriously” as Mike Matthews screams, or should we all be careful, for it will be used against us in the future?

    I blame Dave Burris for this problem.

  34. jason330 says:

    Not to get to heavy – but the day of reckoning has past.

    Blogs have already changed the course of the lives of politicians (and would be politicians See also : Gregory Chambers; whatever happened to…).

    We certainly have responsibilities, but unlike the corrupt MSM – our deference should be to the truth and no to the relative comfort of the glorified functionaries and apparatchiks who prop up the status quo.

    FWIW – I blame Burris.

  35. R Smitty says:

    J – where are my books? Dave have something to do with it?

  36. John Feroce says:

    “I can’t wait until Feroce runs for public office again, and touts his republican moral convictions. And then we can whip out all these posts where he uses the “F” bomb. Priceless.”

    Yeah…I never thought of that when I started posting.

    Go back to watching Barney you idiot.

    If you don’t think I swear after twenty years as an Infantry Officer you’re naïve.

    I’ll be me thanks, I’m not going to pretend to be somebody else just to “get by”

    If you can’t handle profanity you shouldn’t be on this site.

  37. Anonymous says:

    O.k. then Feroce, FUCK YOU!

  38. John Feroce says:

    You’re a real man there anonymous…why you don’t use your real name so I can send you a pajamagram

    You salivate because you are going to bring out my swearing if I run for office again? Why’s that? Can’t attack any legislation I would introduce and fight for?

    You are a genius…not.

  39. R Smitty says:

    I think Anonymous is Allsop.

    Must be Dave’s fault.

  40. Navillus99 says:

    This is nothing wrong with some republicans, It is possible to be a socially liberal-financially conservative republican there just aren’t many of them left…President Abraham Lincoln was a liberal Republican
