Delaware Liberal


I’m surprised Dave posted on Nancy Wagner if he was going to put up such weak shit.

He is basically saying:

Well, nepotism is a problem throughout government and you can’t really single out Nancy Wagner because she is just doing what everyone else (Minner, Keeley, Cook and about 12 others) are doing.

Only…she is not doing what everyone else is doing. She raised the bar.

As Delaware Dem points out,

“…Nancy Wagner has slipped in a yearly earmark to ensure that her husband is not laying around the house not doing anything. If that’s not an abuse of her office, I am not sure what is. If it is not an ethics violation, then why do we even have ethics guidelines?”

And if that were not enough – Wagner had already indicated that she and propriety were not even remotely acquainted with each other when she accepted a job at DSU to basically be an in house lobbyist. And if you think that the last statement is hyperbole, here is the brazenly candid DSU press release that discuss the “Community Relations” she was going to be manage.

This is not run of the mill perfidy. The “the Dems do it too” defense is weak at best.

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