Rejected Diet Dr Pepper Flavors

Filed in National by on February 12, 2008

– Wasabi German Chocolate Cake

– White Chocolate Salmon

– Wet Dog

– Cherries & Monkey Spunk

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. X Stryker says:

    Mike Caste (AKA Warm Milk)

  2. R Smitty says:

    I Blame Dave Burris (aka Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy and Lard for flavor)

  3. Rebecca says:

    Apparently there’s a new study that says all diet drinks make you fat. What the heck?

  4. Dana says:

    Well, I’d have to try the Wasabi German Chocolate Cake cola.

  5. Dana says:

    . . . anc considering that my younger daugter has been known to put a green mint jelly on a bacon sandwich . . .

  6. G Rex says:

    Jerry Garcia.

    Nope, not Cherry, Jerry, as in the dead hippie.