Delaware Liberal

So much at stake in this primary including the future of the “50 State Strategy”

The last Democratic President to win the white house used the narrow electoral college strategy. Bill Clinton’s campaign picked up stream down the stretch and while winning only 43% of the popular vote, Clinton bested HW Bush 370 to 168 in the electoral college.

At that point Democrats got it stuck in their stupid heads that the “electoral college strategy” (that is to say spitting the map into Blue states/red states and “swing states” and focusing campaign efforts on swing states) was the winning strategy. Gore ran a terrible wishy washy campaign that tried to suck up to those swing states while leaving his base in the “blue states” cold.

It allowed a well known moron like GW Bush to narrowly win the 2000 election, with 271 electoral votes to Gore’s 266. Even after the worst first term in history, in 2004 George W. Bush received 286 Electoral Votes to John Kerry’s 251 Electoral College Votes when Kerry basically ingnored “Blue states” in an effort to win 51% of the elctoral college vote by winning in Ohio.

Right now there is a Democratic running in for the nomination that is committed to the electoral college strategy and there is one who is committed to the “50 state strategy”

This Kos diary does a great job exposing Hillary Clinton’s electoral college mindset and I don;t think I have to convince Delawareans who have seen both Michelle Obama and Barack Obama speak that Obama favors competeing in all 50 states.

The bottom line is that a vote for Obama is a vote for WINNING in November while a vote for Clinton is a vote for the same losing half-assed electoral college vote counting that has failed and failed and failed.

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