Comment Rescue: Super Delegates Take Note

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008

Most of us here are hard core poltical junkies who, after eight years of Bush, are quick to anger and easy to piss off. For the majority of the past eight years we’ve been freaks to some extent. I know I have felt like totally wigged out canary in an ever more gas filled coal mine for a long long time.

However, I think the general public is starting to look and sound more like us. They are less tolerant of insidery political bullshit and the “super delegate” hijacking of the nomination would be the insidery pollitical bullshit caper of the century. So if Tom Carper and Roof Ann decides to stick with Clinton I think all hell would break loose.

For every new commenter like “A Price” I think there must be hundereds if not thousands of Delawareans who sound just like thiis:

If Sen Carper, whom I know to be a good person, and a good senator ever seeks another vote from me in the future, he will honor the majority of the state which he represents. If someone gets LESS pledged delegates, LESS states, and LESS votes, but still gets the nomination, I doubt I will ever be able to bring myself to vote for another Democrat. I have never voted for any other party. This super delegate non-sence is un democratic, it is un american, and it has the potential to doom this country to AT LEAST 4 more years of backwards thinking politicians who are out of touch with the voters and out of touch with real americans. Gov Minner is a lame duck who only has honor binding her… we’ll see how much she has, but to anyone who wants to get re-elected, I urge them to do the right thing

Roof Ann has no honor, so that is that. She’s Clinton to the end.

Meanwhile, Celia Cohen thinks everyone should just chill, becuase our leaders are good and pure and treat her nice when they see her at the Grindiron Dinner.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. nemski says:

    Jason, what the hell. Can you make a bigger Celia Cohen warning? I just woke up my wife because I was laughing so hard.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Um, last I checked Carper was still neutral.

    I hear that RuthAnn is still planning to vote for Clinton and I believe that Karen Valentine also is sticking with Clinton. Meanwhile, Rhett Ruggerio is supposed to be having second thoughts in light of the vote for Obama, except he’s still got to lobby this session of the G.A. and staying in the Governor’s good graces might help with that, so he might not make a move until after June 30.

    That leaves Senator Biden, John Daniello and Harriet Smith Winsor and they are remaining neutral.

  3. jason330 says:

    Sorry Nemski. I need to put up some traffic cones next time.

    All I’m saying Rebecca is that is clinton wins the nomination with a margin smaller than the number of Super delegates the party could go kaplooey.

    RAM could say, that’s wahat’s supposed to happen – but the Delawareans who voted for Obama might not see it that way.

  4. nemski says:

    Hillary’s Last Stand?

    With Hawaii and Wisconsin coming up on the 19th, by the time the Texas Primary rolls around, Barack Obama will most likely continue his winning streak. Add to this the fact the Obama is now converting some of Clinton’s strength (below $50K, union workers and women) and even the Latinos in Virginia went to Obama. Clinton is in the throes of a dying campaign.

    It is my belief that the people of the Democratic Party have decided that Obama is their hope to win the Presidency. If Clinton had run a better campaign, it could have easily gone her way, but it didn’t. As I mentioned the other night, I have not seen the Democratic Party this energized so early in an election cycle, and, to you Hillary supporters, the people are not excited about your candidate.

    I don’t mind that she is fighting on; however, the insistence to seat Florida and Michigan delegates is, plain and simple, Hillary going back on her word. In regards to the super delegates, if they decided the nominee against the wishes of the people of the Democratic Party, I shall be resigning from the party.

    A close win in Texas for Clinton is not a victory. IMHO, a victory would be a 60-40 spread which is highly unlikely. However, if Obama wins 51-49, it will be seen as decisive, 55-45 and the fat lady will be singing. Regading Ohio, my prediction is the Buckeyes will be going for Obama.

    I find it odd that Hillary Clinton has decided to make Texas her last stand — that did not work so well for Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett and others.

  5. liz allen says:

    Supposedly, if you can believe the corporate media pundits….Hillary is far ahead in Pa, and Ohio!

  6. Al Mascitti says:

    If you put aside the hobby horse, you’ll find corporate media has nothing to do with it. Liz, you should check out — it’s a clearinghouse site that lists the result of polls from all sources.

    Here’s the link for the Ohio Democratic primary:

    And here’s one for Texas:

    And, finally, Pennsylvania:

    For those who don’t care to take the trouble, Hillary does indeed have 20-point leads in the two Rust Belt states — and they have held steady even as Obama has boomed.

    The Obamaphiles can take comfort from Texas, where Hillary is still ahead but slipping, while Obama is soaring.

  7. G Rex says:

    Is it true that Slick Willie himself is a superdelegate, and if so, in New York or Arkansas?

  8. jason330 says:

    All living Democratic ex-presidents are super delegates.

    On the R side St. Ronny is a super delegate

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Al, you got moderated. You are free now.

  10. nemski says:

    @corporate media pundits by way of liz allen:

    Polls, schmolls. I believe that when Democrats go to the polls in Texas and Ohio they will want to rally around a winner and that winner is Barack Obama.

    During the upcoming debate on Feb. 21st, Clinton is going to come out swinging, while Obama will be respectfull. Clinton will be an angry kid in a sandbox and Obama will be statesman-like. IMHO, the Clinton campaign will be declared dead at the end of that night.

  11. nemski says:

    Thanks Al, for those links.