Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue: Super Delegates Take Note

Most of us here are hard core poltical junkies who, after eight years of Bush, are quick to anger and easy to piss off. For the majority of the past eight years we’ve been freaks to some extent. I know I have felt like totally wigged out canary in an ever more gas filled coal mine for a long long time.

However, I think the general public is starting to look and sound more like us. They are less tolerant of insidery political bullshit and the “super delegate” hijacking of the nomination would be the insidery pollitical bullshit caper of the century. So if Tom Carper and Roof Ann decides to stick with Clinton I think all hell would break loose.

For every new commenter like “A Price” I think there must be hundereds if not thousands of Delawareans who sound just like thiis:

If Sen Carper, whom I know to be a good person, and a good senator ever seeks another vote from me in the future, he will honor the majority of the state which he represents. If someone gets LESS pledged delegates, LESS states, and LESS votes, but still gets the nomination, I doubt I will ever be able to bring myself to vote for another Democrat. I have never voted for any other party. This super delegate non-sence is un democratic, it is un american, and it has the potential to doom this country to AT LEAST 4 more years of backwards thinking politicians who are out of touch with the voters and out of touch with real americans. Gov Minner is a lame duck who only has honor binding her… we’ll see how much she has, but to anyone who wants to get re-elected, I urge them to do the right thing

Roof Ann has no honor, so that is that. She’s Clinton to the end.

Meanwhile, Celia Cohen thinks everyone should just chill, becuase our leaders are good and pure and treat her nice when they see her at the Grindiron Dinner.

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