Someone Please Pour Hube A Stiff Drink

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008

This kind of craven political correctness is going to require at least a cold compress for his head.

The new Dirty Hippie Prime Minister of Australia is apologizing to aborigines.

Feb. 13 (Bloomberg) — Australia’s new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered the nation’s first apology to Aborigines taken from their families for assimilation with the white community, saying the policy was a “blemished chapter” in the nation’s history.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Good. We have apologized for slavery and our treatment of our own aborigines. It is about time Australia did so as well.

  2. Tyler Nixon says:

    I don’t know about political correctness but I am a bit surprised that Andrew Jackson is still on the $20 bill or that the Democratic party still holds him up (“Jefferson-Jackson” Dinner etc.) in any fashion whatsoever.

    Jackson very enthusiastically perpetrated what can be called nothing less than the brutal genocide of 1000’s of native Americans :

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    Jackson was a monster. The Democratic Party should apologize for him, just as the GOP should apologize for Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, George W. Bush and the racist Ron Paul.

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    “Good. We have apologized for slavery….”

    I don’t believe we’ve ever apologized for slavery. We apologized for lynching but I don’t recall one for slavery.

  5. G Rex says:

    The abos aren’t happy with the apology, by the way; they want reparations. I’d say they’re entitled to them in this case, since the assimilation program wasn’t ended until the 1960s, and the Stolen Generation are still alive.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Dana…I stand corrected. Maryland and Virginia have officially apologized, but not the entire federal government. That is astonishing. I am shocked.

  7. A great movie on this topic is Rabbit-Proof Fence. Saw it several years ago and it details the story of two Aboriginal girls who were taken and moved hundreds (maybe a thousand) miles away and assimilated to become servants and such. They run away and follow the rabbit-proof fence for hundreds of miles and find themselves back home. True story.

    This apology is well overdue.

  8. Hube says:

    Yes, pour me a drink. By all means. You all know how my “racist” self is so apoplectic about this. Now back to your usual pathetic DE Liberal swill, everyone. Enjoy!

    Oh, I forgot to say a hearty “Fuck off” to the man with the sub-80 IQ, Jason Scott. Keep playing your “games,” little man. They’ll come back to haunt you in the end.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    So you don’t think this is craven political correctness?

  10. jason330 says:

    Seriously. That creeped me out.

  11. liz allen says:

    Someone please tell me when “america apologized for native americans”. In your minds perhaps “casino’s were enough.

    America is in 2008, killing off the few native’s left….why do you think one tribe has declared soverigntry. Or why do natives in lower Delaware still travel to North Carolina or Ohio to get medical care.

    The blue coats ride in america today, they ride in Iraq, getting ready to ride in Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Egypt and Jordan….did you ever question when the “blue coats” meet in Congress, they wink at each other?