Delaware Liberal

Delaware’s Winner and Losers of the Week


1) Buddy Wagner C’mon dude. Man up. That’s all I’m saying.

2) Nancy Wagner There is no way that a state legislator hooking her husband up with a $68k per year state job that is created and funded through earmarks is not a career killer. (Unless you happen to be a Delaware legislator.)


1) Pete Schwarzkopf If you happened to catch him on Al Mascitti calling out big manufactured housing land lord Terry Strine you’d be quick to second this nomination.

2) Tom Carper Yes he tossed the Constitution under the bus and voted to make all of your digital records accessible to George Bush at all times for any reason BUT he got $92,000 for it. CHA-CHING! [Bonus: I checked out Carper’s site to see if he’d bother to concoct some kind of sham pretext for why he voted with Bush on FISA (he didn’t). However, out of the five pictures that scroll through on a kind of slide show on the main web page, how many do you think show him standing with Mike Castle at pork distribution events? If you guessed two out of five you’d be correct. If you are running against Mike Castle, Tom Carper is not on your team.]

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