A status symbol beyond my comprehension

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008

Del. tag goes for $675,000

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    The Bu$h Economy at work, fellas!

    I have to scrounge around to pay my winter-month power bills, but I’m glad to see those wealthy tax payers I’m supplementing for are spending their new-found disposable back into the local economy.

    Trickle-down works, Mudderfrackers!

    BTW, those plates have been known to pack-on a couple more inches….if you know what I’m sayin’…..

  2. G Rex says:

    Meanwhile, somebody in the UAE paid $14 million for Dubai plate #1…most likely with our gas money, because we’re not allowed to drill for our own oil.

  3. donviti says:

    pretty good G, how you turned that around…

    we refine our oil though and look how good that works out in delaware.

    google valero for me or just read a post or two above for me.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    don’t you know, DV, that we have sooooo much in oil deposits that we can run everything on 11 for a thousand years!

    What a fucking retarded false argument you have there, G. 😉

  5. donviti says:

    but, but, but ANWAR…..

  6. Von Cracker says:


    But those book-learners are always wrong….

  7. Al Mascitti says:

    For GRex:

    United States proven oil reserves declined to a little less than 21 gigabarrels as of 2006 according to the Energy Information Administration. With consumption at 21 million barrels per day (7.7 gigabarrels per year) (2007), US reserves alone could satisfy US demand for only three years.

    That’s not realistic, of course, because even with that much in the ground it’s not possible to pump it out fast enough to meet that level of demand. Long comment made shorter, this is yet another canard taken as gospel truth by Great Americans.

  8. donviti says:


    no offense, I liked VC’s response better. b/c if u know G rex, it was a fucking retarded arguement.

  9. nemski says:

    Eh, not a big deal in my book. If someone wants to spend half-a-million or 14 million dollars of their own money, so be it. If a person like this was taxed some more, they’d still be able to buy it. Fact of the matter is that there are the super rich, the rich, the middle class and the poor; always will be.

  10. donviti says:

    and then the nemski’s of the world

  11. nemski says:

    come on, dispute what i said . . .

    to put it in perspective for all of us who don’t have half-a-million to piss away: what’s the difference between spending 99 cents on a Wendy’s burger or $30 on a filet?

    are we soon going to have arbiters of gluttony and good taste? gosh, i hope not.

  12. donviti says:

    if it pays well I’ll be an arbiter

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    On the other hand, we might have enough shale oil to last 100 years even at current rates of consumption, and nobody is opposed to exploiting it. The only problem is that it’s not economically feasible to turn the stuff into actual oil at current prices.

  14. nemski says:

    dv said, if it pays well I’ll be an arbiter

    to repeat what i said earlier, gosh, i hope not 🙂

  15. G Rex says:

    Al, Henry Waxman is opposed, at least to Canadian tar sand oil, on the grounds that coal is burnt to produce steam in the refining process. (Waxman’s language in the Energy Independence Security Act was intended to stop shale oil processing in Colorado specifically, the Canadian oil is an innocent bystander.) As to what you posted previously about proven reserves, does not being able to meet 100% of our demand domestically mean we shouldn’t try to meet any of it? That’s like saying if we can’t deport all 12 million illegal aliens we shouldn’t look for any of them.

  16. Al Mascitti says:

    Go after as much of it as you want. Just be honest about it: We don’t have much compared with how much we consume. We have zero chance of meeting our ongoing oil needs domestically.

  17. anon says:

    And with the greenhouse effect, the more oil we burn, the more air conditioning and desalination we need!! There will be so much demand for oil, we will discover trillions more barrels!!

  18. cassandra m says:

    And note that the only way the oil companies see a way to make ANWAR profitable is with a subsidy (less than market value leases, startup funds, additional pipeline) from American taxpayers. If EXXONMobil cannot go to the capital markets to make this work, that tells you everything you need to know about this project.

  19. donviti says:

    hijacked! what about the freaking plate man….

  20. G Rex says:

    Okay, I think having black and white plates as a status symbol is stupid, but the standard blue and yellow ones just look dopey. (I had a 5 digit plate on my Jetta, and a friend of mine was all “Dude, you should exchange it for a black and white one! Or sell it to me? Please? It would look so sweet on my GTi!” Of course, the Jetta was stolen for the rims, but that’s another story.) Anyway, if some jackass wants to lay out a huge wad of cash for a low number plate, so be it. Look at me, I have more money than brains! It’s a free country, whatever Jason says. If Paris Hilton wants a diamond encrusted Black Berry, who cares?

    Happy now?