WDEL Ignores 50% of the Atkins Story

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008

WTF? WDEL is normally much better than this.

In drive time, they followed the news journal’s lead and totally ignored the 41st Democratic Committee’s absolute rejection of John Atkins.

Hey WDEL, giving half the truth is tantamount to lying.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Al Mascitti says:

    How is that, Jason? Yes, they voted not to encourage or endorse him, but that doesn’t mean he can’t run as a Democrat. That’s clearly the news here.

    And don’t worry, it’s the first thing I’m talking about in a few minutes.

  2. jason330 says:

    Atkins’ announcement was greeted with contempt by his districts Democratic committee who quickly passed a resolution stating that the members of the committee, “clearly and unequivocally” do not encourage or support Atkins’s candidacy.

    It would have been a more accurate story with something like that.

  3. Al Mascitti says:

    Agreed. What I don’t know is when that story was written. Bruce Pringle, as far as I know, still writes for the Gannett weekly at the beach, not the Salisbury paper. For all we know, that story has been sitting around for days.