Breaking: Tony Deluca on Delmarva Gravy Train

Filed in National by on February 19, 2008

Dana has learned that the real force behind the “stall to kill” wind power hearings is DeLuca. Harris McDowell is just his water carrier.

Delaware Watch has learned that Delaware State Senate Majority Leader Tony DeLuca has been the driving force behind the Delaware State
Senate’s attempt to stall the Public Service Commission’s (PCC) approval of “Bluewater Wind LLC’s 150-turbine proposal for an ocean tract east of Rehoboth Beach”

Dana points out that DeLuca’s campaign contributors reads like a who’s who of shadowy lobbyists and PACs.

…effectively siding with the position of Delmarva Power and its parent company Pepco Holdings against Blue Water, Sen. DeLuca continues to establish himself as the “go to” guy for the powerful interests that contribute to campaigns.

Makes sense. Althought I don’t really see McDowell being expulated by any of this.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. FSP says:

    You ready to apologize to Copeland now?

    Come clean and shock the world, Jason.

  2. jason330 says:

    Copeland is exculpated how?

  3. Brian says:

    Forget about blame, you guys need to get this through or I am telling you, you might as well shut off the lights and lock the doors at the state house becuase after 10 years we are going to be up the creek without a paddle. Get to work. I gave you the strategy, now do what you need to do to make it happen. We need to recognize how severe this crisis is or we are all going to lose. And Deluca and anyone else involved will be remembered by history as the ones who caused that to occur. On the other hand those who move this forward will be remembered like Russ Peterson and other governors and legislators who did the people’s business and got the honors for it. So get to work everyone out there in the blogoshpere. Call everyone asap.

  4. FSP says:

    ‘Copeland is exculpated how?’

    He’s not holding anything up.

  5. FSP says:

    “Forget about blame, you guys need to get this through or I am telling you, you might as well shut off the lights and lock the doors at the state house becuase after 10 years we are going to be up the creek without a paddle.”

    What is it with these extreme statements on wind power?!

    It’s not the holy grail. It’s not the end all and be all. It’s simply the best choice available to generate a small percentage of our power supply.

  6. jason330 says:

    Don’t make me repost the September letter that Charlie forgot about Dave. Don’t do it.

    I might have to get back ont he “Come Clean Copeland and Shock the Word!” kick.

  7. FSP says:

    He’s not standing in the way of a vote, and Dana made it clear who was behind Larson’s decision.

    Hang it up, bro.

  8. Al Mascitti says:

    He hasn’t come out in favor of BWW, either. It appears DeLuca has your minority leader effectively intimidated, Dave.

  9. Brian says:

    Better get him un-intimidated because we are headed to a world of rolling brownouts. Now this plan will fix it, but if you do not let innovation occur you ensure your own ruin and that of all of us youngin’s too. Let’s get ahead of that curve.

  10. FSP says:

    Copeland has publicly stated his position. He’s not intimidated one bit.

  11. TommyWonk says:

    Here’s Charlie Copeland’s view of wind power, as I understand it:

    He’s for wind power, and would like to see the wind farm go forward, but not this deal.

    He think’s it would be cool if it got built, but wouldn’t go so far as to actually tell Delmarva Power what to do.

    He thinks “private investors should compete,” but doesn’t support the results of the RFP competition that Bluewater Wind won.

    He thinks the market can provide “the best price point and price stability,” even though the two are not the same.

    He was in the room when controller general Russ Larson was given his instructions, but didn’t tell him what to do, even though he said he didn’t favor the deal as presented.

    Are you clear yet?

  12. Brian says:

    No. He needs to get the job done becuase we need it now.

  13. FSP says:

    That’s exactly right, Tom. And you know as well as I do that the minority in the Senate has no power.

  14. TommyWonk says:

    Are you suggesting that because he’s in the minority, his vote isn’t that important? Four members of his caucus have signed on as co-sponsors of HCR 38. Are you saying that their votes don’t matter?

    Copeland can’t offer vague assurances that he’s for wind while opposing the project. No one gets a pass on this one.

  15. Al Mascitti says:

    Hear, hear. His positions are virtually the same as McDowell’s. Either we’re going to follow the laws the General Assembly passes or we’re not. You don’t get to ignore it just because you didn’t like it when it was passed.

    And the intimidation line was snark, Dave. I know perfectly well whom he’s making common cause with here, and so does everybody else. Of course, I expect Republicans to get in bed with industry. I expect better from Democrats.