Delaware Liberal

Lazy Voter Syndrome

Why does Nancy Wagner continue to have a voice in the legislature? Why does Harris McDowell get to use the levers of government to enrich himself? Intercourse at DWA has a theory, a solution, and a good example of how that solution has worked in the recent past.

There have been a lot of posts about conflicts, self-dealing, nepotism, cronyism, and other activities that indicate that our legislators and other elected officials are perhaps not truly representing the interests of our fair State. (snip)

Our solution is not to bitch and moan; our solution is to become more involved in the process. An example of this approach working is the Kent County Levy Court. Prior to the last round of Levy Court elections, we had a group of Commissioners who pretty much rubber stamped rampant and uncontrolled development. Our solution was not to bitch and moan and demand disclosure of benefits to these old Commissioners for cozying up to developers; our solution was to organize and vote them the hell out, which we did.

We have another such opportunity facing us: the looming Democrat primary for Governor. Those of us in the party have been told that we should vote for the annoited candidate. We’ve essentially been told that we should not weigh the primary candidates on their respective merits but support who the party told us to support. My answer? NO. Markell has a remarkable business background attained solely by his own efforts, he is not tied tightly to the prior administration (in fact, its just the opposite), he does not appoint a committee everytime a poltical lobbyist demands stalling tactics, he articulates detailed, objective ideas for State improvement. In short, I am voting for who I believe is the better candidate to run the State. It seems more beneficial to get behind the good than to bitch about the bad. Go for it.

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