WI Results Thread #1

Filed in National by on February 19, 2008

7:06 – Has Hillary suspended her campaign yet? (I borrowed that line from my pal Nemski.)

Here is a cool kos diary.

Do you think Obama has the wing nuts freaked out? Uh..Yeah. I think so.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (89)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I’m here and ready to go. CNN is on. They have a Cuban-American professor on. He is reflecting on Cuba/Castro.

  2. jason330 says:

    Hardball has two wingnuts arguing about wheather McCain loves American fetuses the best.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    I was listening to Laura Ingraham last night (damn you WDEL!) and she was trotting out even flimsier stuff. The line of attack is going to be to alternately attack him as having no substance or that his argument that there is something wrong with this country, because he is a successful black man.

    They are terrified.

  4. jason330 says:

    CSPAN has the Green Party’s candidate on. She is taking questions – but the party members are making 20 minute statements instead of asking questions.

  5. jason330 says:

    I also heard that Michelle Obama does not love America. That is going to be a big talking point.

  6. donviti says:

    jas and geek,

    take a look at your email. I shared my thoughts on the email that was going around earlier today

  7. liberalgeek says:

    I’m bracing for it.

  8. jason330 says:

    Clinton ad on hardball which tweety doesn’t like. Ignores white guys.

    Buchanan seems to like Obama.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Perhaps the fact that the wingnuts are attacking Obama is a good thing. Perhaps they think that there is no way that Hillary will win and they are concentrating fire on Obama.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    shocker: 97% of Lou Dobbs viewers think that candidates should take a stand on NAFTA and the North American Superhighway.

  11. jason330 says:

    Buchanan hates Michelle Obama onb account of her anti-Americanism. I knew it.

  12. donviti says:

    candy crawley is a man baby!

  13. donviti says:

    what did she say today. My mom and step-dad where saying she said she isn’t proud of America and never has been

  14. donviti says:

    Jessica is Yellin

    what is Solutions for America

  15. liberalgeek says:

    CSPAN has a Raul Castro speech…This could take some time…

  16. cassandra m says:

    People who would insist that Multiple Choice Mitt Romney was the Real Deal do not have judgment that can be trusted.

    I don’t think that anybody has their news coverage streaming online yet so I am going to go find an interesting beverage.

  17. donviti says:

    hillary Rodham Clinton can take a punch…

    another brutal election and I’m the bitch that can take it.

    but um, hasn’t Obama taken all your and your husbands punches this far and made you look like the bad guy, ehem, woman?

  18. donviti says:

    Clinton has a telepromter tonight for a new speech…

    I wonder if it will include congratulating Obama this time?

  19. donviti says:

    Nora O’donnell is hot…still…

  20. cassandra m says:

    Also, my Favorite Republican ( a retired USACE Col) is hugely fired up about Obama. He’s even thinking about ending his Alaska hibernation early to go to Texas to volunteer.

  21. donviti says:

    casaandra do you mean people like Dave Burris?

    make sure that statement is in the right context or he will twist it around on you

  22. liberalgeek says:

    Michelle Obama said:

    Hope is making a comeback and, let me tell you, for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country. Not just because Barack is doing well, but I think people are hungry for change.

    She looked absolutely exhausted, though… So if there is a spin to put on it or context to put it in, that’s it.

  23. donviti says:

    tim russert has a woody for obama

  24. liberalgeek says:

    Evening, Joe. How was the long work day?

  25. Joe M says:

    Good enough, have some energy, so I may make it through HI.

  26. jason330 says:

    Michelle Obama is like a black Jane Fonda. She has a picture of Ho Chi Mihn by her bedside.

  27. liberalgeek says:

    Joe, you don’t need to stay up. Obama will win HI. I am confident, and you can be, too. I love Cassandra’s idea of being on-site for the primary in HI. If DelawareLiberal wasn’t so tight with their damn expense accounts, I would have gone…

  28. donviti says:

    ok, so did anyone just see the CNN panel talk about Race bating?

    well Paul Bagalla defended hillary…HELLOOOOO Does anyone else know that he has openly supported her and MSNBC is NOT having him on until after the Priamries b/c of it.

    fucking bullshit

  29. donviti says:

    MSNBC has a liberal media bias against hillary…

    wait isn’t hillary liberal?

    so are they being fair?

  30. nemski says:

    Who has got the Kool Aid?

  31. jason330 says:

    I hope Clinton’s negative BS blows up in her face.

  32. cassandra m says:

    Since we already know that Dave Burris doesn’t do context I am not so worried.

  33. Joe M says:

    Oh, I know, I was being a little sarcastic. Obama has it locked, so if I’m up that late, I’ll be playing video games.

  34. jason330 says:

    I think I’ll get myself a nice Dewars right now.

  35. liberalgeek says:

    description on FIOS-TV for The O’Reilly Factor “Bill O’Reilly hosts a strictly enforced “No Spin Zone”…

    That cracks me up.

  36. donviti says:

    we got 6 bucks from Adsense you can apply to offset the travel.

    you have my word to go ahead and use it

  37. cassandra m says:

    DelawareLiberal wasn’t so tight with their damn expense accounts

    So, I guess this means you don’t know anything to blackmail our gracious host with, huh?

  38. donviti says:


    you didn’t mean her BJ blows up in her face?

    nyuck, nyuck

  39. Joe M says:

    “I hope Clinton’s negative BS blows up in her face.”

    Something has to. It’s been years since Bill’s taken that job.

  40. cassandra m says:

    And here we are at the R rated portion of tonite’s program….

  41. donviti says:

    drinking a nice cab/sav right now.

    the hard stuff makes me angrier at people like nemski

  42. Joe M says:

    I got my Harps. They should bet me through the night, however a bit of Bushmills would be nice.

  43. FSP says:

    It’s nice to have fans. No autographs tonight, though, kiddies.

  44. donviti says:

    sometimes this Bushed thing reaches a bit…but not often

  45. jason330 says:

    Dewars makes me charming, and better looking.

  46. donviti says:

    dave do you me fans that go in a window instead of air conditioners? please specify, I don’t want to take you out of context

  47. jason330 says:

    Oh jeez, The Clinton supporter. There goes the neighborhood.

  48. donviti says:

    gloria Berger on CNN is a hack and a joke and she has helmet head

    and I’d do her

  49. nemski says:

    When do we get to start punching Hillary?

  50. donviti says:

    I think Anderson is Gloria Steinham’s son

  51. nemski says:

    dv, who wouldn’t you do?

  52. donviti says:

    donkey punching nemski…I want to make sure I get you in the right context

  53. nemski says:

    No, Gloria Vanderbilt. He looks good in jeans.

  54. donviti says:

    your mother in law…I draw the line on my friends wife’s parents

  55. donviti says:

    I’d do katie and let you watch~!

  56. jason330 says:

    $14 million for a #1 lic plate in UAE.

  57. nemski says:

    Why doesn’t Huckabee become President of Jesusland?

  58. donviti says:

    does CNN have 2 black guys on?

    do you think they use their laptops? or are they really teleprompters?

  59. cassandra m says:

    Gloria Steinem’s son (adopted) is Christian Bale.

  60. nemski says:

    Is anyone watching Fox?

  61. Joe M says:

    ugh, the CNN stream is not working correctly and my wife is dominating the TV with crap.

  62. nemski says:

    who is this idiot on cnn doing stats?

  63. jason330 says:

    Bill O’reilly is a freakshow. Who could watch that?

  64. donviti says:

    Geek loves this crap…

  65. donviti says:

    somehow I knew Joe’s wife wore the pants…

  66. jason330 says:

    Oh. Nija Warrior is on G4.

    We should have a blogger version of nija warrior. That would be cool.

  67. donviti says:

    what’s on fox?

    wolf blitzer is an ass man

  68. Joe M says:

    “somehow I knew Joe’s wife wore the pants…”

    yes, but I get to smell hers if I’m good

  69. donviti says:

    Megyn Kelly on Fox is hot, but she has a man voice…dang

    does fox only have blondes

  70. donviti says:

    oh, I just cringed Joe OMG lmao

    you share my humor! AWESOME…stolat!

  71. Joe M says:

    Fox’s londes are countered my CNNs Faith and Values correspondent. Can’t remember her nme, but she’s hottt

  72. Joe M says:

    “oh, I just cringed Joe OMG lmao

    you share my humor! AWESOME…stolat”

    Slainte and za vas!

  73. jason330 says:

    Paul Begala made sense. Shocking.

    This thread is pretty slow. I think it is time for another.

  74. donviti says:

    I’m going to jump threw the screen and strangle this fucking twirp Halpren on FOX

    this is typical fucking fox man


  75. nemski says:

    From the NYT

    Democratic voters in Wisconsin are evenly divided on whether Senator Hillary Clinton or Senator Barack Obama is most qualified to be commander-in-chief. That’s a good sign for Mr. Obama and a bad sign for Mrs. Clinton, since voters had earlier perceived her as stronger on foreign policy and a stronger commander in chief.

  76. nemski says:

    I’m going to watch Olbermann.

  77. donviti says:

    Blasting away on FOX about about Michelle Obama

    here O’lielly on Obama and her. Now he is attacking her comments about her attitude about the country..

    what a fucking ahole

    I’m watching Dave Burris

  78. Joe M says:

    wow, msnbc anchor just brought up heisenbergs uncertainty principle. correctly, even!

  79. donviti says:

    I will give Halpren some credit he defended her agains Oliely, but he started off week..

    now Droopy dog brit hume

  80. donviti says:

    hey computer geeks…how do i get some of these “processes” to stop running I have like 50 of them going?

  81. nemski says:

    stop surfing gay porn

  82. Joe M says:


    you want to be careful about killing processes. just kill ones that are owned by your userid.

    PS: I’m guessing you’re using windows.

  83. nemski says:

    right click on your tool bar

    choose task manager

    look at processes started by donviti

  84. liberalgeek says:

    thread closed… move over.

  85. donviti says:

    I loved that quantum leap show. that I understood