I’m telling u all right now, If I get burned by this guy when he becomes president, I’m going to be a pissed mother fucker for falling for his kool aid.
I buy what he is selling man…but I still have to remember that he is a politician
I could not decide in this race for the longest time, but what I really like about watching Obama run his campaign is that he just hunkered down and worked at it. Even with all of the “inevitability”, he worked what he needed to and really has been pulling together a real governing coalition — not just a 50 1 coalition. He won’t be able to deliver on everything he says, but if his campaign is any indication, he will work damn hard at real governing and trying to do something.
And after the last 7 years, that just might be more than enough.
His organization is first class — which is a reflection of the man setting the direction. These guys have not gotten caught up in the trivial BS that the Clinton’s seem to find so precious…..
she got her ass kicked again, nothing. she hasn’t thanked him yet. she is so delusional. She is losing not only her voice but she is taking her husbands legacy down with her
Barack Obama cruised past a fading Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Wisconsin primary Tuesday night, gaining the upper hand in a Democratic presidential race for the ages. It was Obama’s ninth straight victory over the past three weeks, and left the former first lady in desperate need of a comeback in a race she long commanded as front-runner.
first again
CNN online did the same thing — just switched over.
Oh.. I love the new masthead quote.
when r u guys switching the photo on the comments section
SHIT! missed the boat again
Ordinary people can do extraordinary things.
he’s back to his old speech I think…
sort of mixing it up though, no?
Oh no, he just said “Straight Talk” — more plagiarism accusations coming tomorrow!
Yup, he’s using some of the boiler plate but I love to hear it.
yeah i think so
he is all about personal responsibility, that’s a republican thing i think
you use that tissue yet?
Good Ghandi line, j, and true too.
Funny though, I’ve seen that as a sig for a few wingnutters out there…..victims of the people keeping The Man down.
look at the mix of people in the crowd…
Yes, Democrats aren’t responsible… I heard Rush say it.
Can’t believe he plagiarized ‘Si Se Puede’?!?
okay, who’s got a chubby?
I just heard him use THE and he didn’t credit anyone for it!
I saw that somewhere recently. It is used a lot in the Open-source community to describe the M$ treatment of Linux and the like.
I read Dave Burris’ post earlier and saw fear. I was reminded of the Ghandi quote and posted it.
crickets on that one daveski
he’s going centrist on me…but…he just realled it back in.
anyone hearing those guys coming over the mike?
crickets on that one daveski
ok, he is giving specific income numbers. isn’t that a better way to get votes without targeting specific races?
I’m guessing they have the numbers on who those numbers reach right
I heard the voices on CNN. Open Mic. I wish I heard it better… I am certain that I heard the word “Jews.” I wish I was kidding.
once again, obama is outpacing the republicans in total votes
Fear, indeed — in fact, you can see here the beginning of a new smear — this one invoking not just the race card, but commies too!
I can’t help but notice that Obama is the only one again whose whole speech is televised.
I’m not complaining, I’m just noticing.
lg, he was saying “did you” which sounds like “jew” — an old woody allen joke
I’m telling u all right now, If I get burned by this guy when he becomes president, I’m going to be a pissed mother fucker for falling for his kool aid.
I buy what he is selling man…but I still have to remember that he is a politician
Early childhood education is the silver bullet! Go Barack!
I have tivo, I’m going to rewind
I agree, don. I do hope he’s for real.
Nemski. That could very well be… It was hard to discern anything.
Oh the fear is spreading over on the wingnut multitude like the flu.
LG, what time was it at?
I’m thinking back to McCain’s speech 30 mins ago… Obama is going to kick his ass.
It’s the CCC, sorta. The New New Deal.
DV –
I felt burned by Bill’s first term. I’m an optimist about Obama – but what else would I be as an Obama supporter?
seriously, what the fuck, why is he making sense? all I want is flowery words, not specifics
got it…around 9:59
DV, just before 10
what’s the verdict on the open mic?
He’s just widening the gap.
lg, didn’t hear anything like that. sounded like it was 2 men talking about a trip. I thought I heard someone say 8 hours or something to that effect
Wait, I thought that Democrats didn’t support the troops…
3/4 OH, RI, TX, VT
Umm . . . four wins for Obama.
I saved it on the record button and will go back to it when he is done..
i need some bumper stickers, anyone got any extras?
3 wins. OH is going to be tough.
oh shit, he is doing what I feel they should always do, take the arrows out of the quill before the REP’s can use them.
he really does have good people
J 10 in a row.
get ribbons daveski, they show your patriotism and that you support the troops and the war!
Maybe Obama should flub a speech to take the “he is a great speaker” card away from CLinton.
jason, who would have though he even had a chance in Texas? White union men will vote for a black man before voting for a woman.
ok, back to my point earlier. He sounds like a guy that is saying all the right things to everyone…
damn man…I’m not getting sucked in! I’m going to do my best to be a Dave Burris and take all he says out of Context!
I love the “boil all the hope out of him” line. Whoo Hoo!
Nemski – I’m not sure that is right. They will vote for a black man before they will vote for that woman.
ok, dude on the cell phone in the background needs to get off the fucking thing…GHETTO
lg, ur probably right on that one
Tie that bitch to Bush!
Nemski – He has been behind everywhere until he campaigns there. So he could close it out.
and by bitch, I mean McCain.
who is for anti-hope other than Dave Burris?
If only Obama was born in Hope, HI…
I think it’s more general than that lg, I think it is any woman. look at the women in politics. Is hillary any different then Boxer or Pelosi?
what time did he come on?
Burris is only for anti-hope when you take him out of context.
I could not decide in this race for the longest time, but what I really like about watching Obama run his campaign is that he just hunkered down and worked at it. Even with all of the “inevitability”, he worked what he needed to and really has been pulling together a real governing coalition — not just a 50 1 coalition. He won’t be able to deliver on everything he says, but if his campaign is any indication, he will work damn hard at real governing and trying to do something.
And after the last 7 years, that just might be more than enough.
13 points in Wi…
“The status quo serves many powerful people”
very subtle!
well said cass
Yeah, but you could have done the same thing with a “black candidate” until Obama. Obama isn’t running as a black man. Hillary IS running as a woman.
cas, i think it goes back to him having the right people. His organization is first class.
boy, chris matthews is probably pretty pissed right now that he is not on tv
LG, I think she started running as a woman, but then she changed over time and started running as the experienced candidate
His organization is first class — which is a reflection of the man setting the direction. These guys have not gotten caught up in the trivial BS that the Clinton’s seem to find so precious…..
they are showing his entire speech. He has some new stuff in here man. the guy is good.
ok jason, so tell me how is he different from Bill..
No, she is still running as a woman/mother/wife. She plays the card regularly.
fair enough cas
here comes the wrap up
Cass, you are right. And they have some great firefighters.
Excellent =)
44 mins!
good points too Lg. I guess that is what is killing her too. To chameleon like maybe…
A-, due to length. I only asked for a 500-word essay.
It is the 50 state strategy. Trying to win over every voter. Not just every Democratic or every swing state voter.
A touch long.
I thought you were going to rate it on a tissue count basis…
I think 4 tissues.
OHHHHH talking about Obama jumping on her. Maybe if she fucking congratulated him he wouldn’t have jumped her shit.
55% That’s BIG!
clinton’s press secretary has a life jacket on.
Lisa Caputo = Rachel Maddows with better hair and accesories
I love that Huck is getting 38%.
u related dv?
Cheers everyone. 3/4 it is wrapped up.
‘night all.
So do you think that Hillary told her Ohio audience that Wisconsin did not matter?
OOOOhhhh tech on CNN again.
Obama is winning everywhere.
is that some sort of a black joke? like “aren’t you all related?”
62-36 white men for obama, holy shit
Night Jason, you throw a good party!
I hate this freaking monitor geek!
Good Night, Jason; Good Night Everybody! This was fun….
Rebecca, as with all parties, it’s all about who shows up.
Night, Cass.
Hate on the monitor all you want. I’m all over it.
‘Nite, Jason! ‘Nite, Cass!
I’m gonna hit it. Thanks for coming out all. Joe, I expect realtime updates all night on Hawaii…
Wow, Clinton is getting hit on not giving a concession speech. Fantastic.
‘Nite, LG
what am I fucking chopped liver! screw you all.
you will rue the day that DV leaves!!!!!!
I’m already rueing the day…
Oh, rub it in, Anderson!
kiss ass
night DV
ugh, she is so snide!
She is not earning that confidence…
I’m the fucking Ed McMahon of this site!
You out, too, DV?
night viti
I’m hanging in there to bust on clinton
Oh, rockin
Her voice is like an icepick through my ears
she is so unauthentic.
she got her ass kicked again, nothing. she hasn’t thanked him yet. she is so delusional. She is losing not only her voice but she is taking her husbands legacy down with her
I notice the signs that say “We’ve got your back”
Like her supporters know that she is now the underdog.
under 50K white 48-51 obama
63-37 on electability
I never liked her or him. I’ve been saying it for months.
“we will bring home our troops” the ones you voted yes to send to war…
whatever man….
awful, just awful
the longer the campaign goes on the more done she is. It is a slow climb for Obama. His momentum is slowly grabbing her candidates.
maybe it’s because he’s a man, or that they believe him.
i think part of it is that the people vote for a winner thing
I swear, CNN has a farm where they grow these cute women
joe scarborough: hillary is sounding like guiliani
“i think part of it is that the people vote for a winner thing”
agreed, but that can turn into a nice big snowball.
I’m just so leary of falling victim to the bullshit.
Politicians at this level man are still politicians you know
just wait till CNN has Bagella talk. the guy is on Clinton’s pay roll and it is so freaking obvious. How CNN allows that is total bullshit.
the women on CNN are older MILF’s though…
buchanan: at least they got the leisure crowd out from behind mcclain
I can relate. It’s what keeps me from taking a party line. Maybe again my better judgement, however, I think Obama is genuine in his thirst for change
Joe is an idiot too though. former Fl R no?
Rachel Mannow
I like this guy Gene from Wapo. He is pretty good. needs to talk over Pat though…
an SRO crowd? what is that?
Deliah Gallagher. So hot!
From the AP
Barack Obama cruised past a fading Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Wisconsin primary Tuesday night, gaining the upper hand in a Democratic presidential race for the ages. It was Obama’s ninth straight victory over the past three weeks, and left the former first lady in desperate need of a comeback in a race she long commanded as front-runner.
h/t to Olbermann
Standing Room Only
Give us a scandal, Hilary! Burn out, don’t fade away!
oh yeah, Erectile Dysfunction
so how pissed is hillary tonight?
or, for Clinton, Electile Disfunction
good one
“so how pissed is hillary tonight?”
Let’s just say I wouldn’t want to be her gimp tonight.
congresswoman jones is OUT OF TOUCH
mmm, shiraz
matthews is an ass
i’m done watching matthews shit . . . night all
ok, so matthews is trying to appear unbiased because….
nite, nemski!
I’ll be listening to the bands on your blog tomorrow
DAMN olberman smacked the shit out of Matthews!!!!
sweet! matthews is an ass
Oh that was sweet. Look for that on Crooks and liars my friends. Olberman handed tweety his ass!
nite DV
nite don
Olberman comes out with some good ones. I liked his “don’t speak after Obama” crack last week
nite Joe
‘Nite, DV