Delaware Liberal


Charlie Copeland is a fraud. His defenders are frauds and losers. The more they defend him now, the more they reveal themselves to be thoughtless sycophants.

Oh Charlie talks a big game, but when it comes to real support for wind power he is a pretender. Tommywonk, who I think we all agree knows his shit, says:

Here’s Charlie Copeland’s view of wind power, as I understand it:

He’s for wind power, and would like to see the wind farm go forward, but not this deal.

He think’s it would be cool if it got built, but wouldn’t go so far as to actually tell Delmarva Power what to do.

He thinks “private investors should compete,” but doesn’t support the results of the RFP competition that Bluewater Wind won.

He thinks the market can provide “the best price point and price stability,” even though the two are not the same.

He was in the room when controller general Russ Larson was given his instructions, but didn’t tell him what to do, even though he said he didn’t favor the deal as presented.

So don’t be a fraud Charlie. Stop the pussy-ass pandering and gamesmanship. Stop living a lie. Come out of the Delmarva closet my man. Breath your first intoxicating breaths of fresh air outside of this phony persona you’ve invented. God loves you as you are. Stop striving to trick everyone and conceal your true self.

Charlie Copeland, come clean and shock the world!

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