Filed in National by on February 20, 2008

Charlie Copeland is a fraud. His defenders are frauds and losers. The more they defend him now, the more they reveal themselves to be thoughtless sycophants.

Oh Charlie talks a big game, but when it comes to real support for wind power he is a pretender. Tommywonk, who I think we all agree knows his shit, says:

Here’s Charlie Copeland’s view of wind power, as I understand it:

He’s for wind power, and would like to see the wind farm go forward, but not this deal.

He think’s it would be cool if it got built, but wouldn’t go so far as to actually tell Delmarva Power what to do.

He thinks “private investors should compete,” but doesn’t support the results of the RFP competition that Bluewater Wind won.

He thinks the market can provide “the best price point and price stability,” even though the two are not the same.

He was in the room when controller general Russ Larson was given his instructions, but didn’t tell him what to do, even though he said he didn’t favor the deal as presented.

So don’t be a fraud Charlie. Stop the pussy-ass pandering and gamesmanship. Stop living a lie. Come out of the Delmarva closet my man. Breath your first intoxicating breaths of fresh air outside of this phony persona you’ve invented. God loves you as you are. Stop striving to trick everyone and conceal your true self.

Charlie Copeland, come clean and shock the world!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. FSP says:

    *cough* DeLuca *cough*

    Don’t be sad because your own union/dixiecrat-dominated, not-at-all-progressive Delaware Democrat party is holding up the wind farm.

  2. disbelief says:

    This is the kind of stuff that tears me up. Do we worry about the Lofinks and Wagners getting a little sumpin’-sumpin’ for their kin to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars a year, or do we worry about backroom deals that affect tens or even hundreds of millions of our money?

    The obvious answer is “Both!”. But at least put some perspective on which type of inside dealer is doing much more harm and vote them out first.

  3. Al Mascitti says:

    Dave, that’s all the more reason for Copeland to join the good guys. What’s he standing with the unions/dixiecrats for?

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    The thing that galls me about Copeland is that he put solar panels on his house, largely getting himself off of the Delmarva Power grid. But he doesn’t mind carrying water for Delmarva Power so that the rest of us who can’t afford solar panels remain dependent on Delmarva Power who can, as we recently saw, raise our rates by 59% w/o batting an eye.

    I guess only the well-heeled deserve to have their electricity bills reduced. No wonder you see shill GOP bloggers warming up to that elitist idea.

  5. FSP says:

    Cause that’s his position, largely that he’s not comfortable as a business owner with the state telling another business what they have to do.

    Dana – Delmarva is not a monopoly. In fact, I think Copeland uses WG&E for the 100% wind power that he purchases for his house. People have choices now, if they choose to use them. It’s called capitalism. You know, as opposed to socialism, where the state controls the corporations.

    Funny how you’re perfectly happy to let the state force Delmarva to buy from BWW and perfectly happy to have the state tell landowners what they can charge for their land and perfectly happy to have the state take over the healthcare industry, but you flip the hell out when someone calls you a socialist.

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    “It’s called capitalism. You know, as opposed to socialism, where the state controls the corporations.”

    Dave, that isn’t socialism. Go back to school.

    “Funny how you’re perfectly happy to let the state force Delmarva to buy from BWW and perfectly happy to have the state tell landowners what they can charge for their land and perfectly happy to have the state take over the healthcare industry, but you flip the hell out when someone calls you a socialist.”

    I flip out Dave because it’s your deliberate attempt to smear my reputation w/ a bald-face lie. I have never once advocated that the state abolish private property as a means of capital and assume ownership of it. I do think the state should **guarantee** health care to all citizens and run the program, but private health care systems should be allowed to continue to exist and compete.

    But the truth is you probably believe in the state forcing private industries to do all sorts of things as well. You know, like not dump toxic chemicals into the ground or into waterways, or the air. Not make toys that harm children or prescription drugs that kill people. Or not employ children.

    All of that is government force, Dave. Do you oppose those things? Yes or n0. Tell us and stop dodging questions like those when you are asked them.

    Since you probably do support the government forcing businesses in those ways, does that make you a socialist, Dave?

    But I know, you are too much of a coward to answer those questions directly if at all.

  7. TommyWonk says:

    Yes, Delmarva Power is a monopoly. There is only one set of transmission lines that cover Delaware. This is what economists call a natural monopoly, in the sense that duplicating the grid would not make economic sense.

    While it may be possible to possible to buy energy from another source, most ratepayers buy through Delmarva because it’s convenient to do so, and takes work to find other sources.

    As the company that manages the grid in Delaware, Delmarva Power wields enormous market power in the electricity it buys. HB 6 mandates that a certain portion of that electricity be generated in state, and established a procurement process for selecting a new energy source. One reason Delmarva Power is fighting the Bluewater deal is that it doesn’t want to yield any of that market power.

  8. Dana Garrett says:

    Like I said: Burris is too much of a coward to answer direct questions that expose his hypocrisy.

  9. Maple Poon says:

    Hahahaha. I love how Charlie gets your goat, Jason. I hope you choke on that anger you pathetic poliwannabee. You’re Celia with a little pecker.

  10. jason330 says:

    I love how Charlie getting my goat gets your goat. You’re Celia with a woman’s vagina.

  11. FSP says:

    No, no Dana! Not the children again! You left out the single mothers and the old people this time!

    “All of that is government force, Dave. Do you oppose those things? Yes or n0. Tell us and stop dodging questions like those when you are asked them.”

    Yes. That’s why I’m in favor of limited government and not NO government. Which is why while the government may police the companies to make sure their products don’t cause physical harm to others, the state doesn’t then turn around and tell those companies what to produce or ho much to charge for it.

    Wee bit o’difference there. Consider yourself informed.