Football season is over (guest: Dorian Gray)

Filed in National by on February 20, 2008

Today is the 3rd anniversary of Hunter Thompson’s suicide.  Since he is quite a literary hero for some of us I thought I remember it by sending his suicide note – probably his final written words.

No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun — for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax — This won’t hurt.

(The “title” of the note was Football Season Is Over.)

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    I stark warning to everyone. Remember to have fun past the age of 50.

  2. anon says:

    Girls – go sleep with an old guy today. There’ s no time to waste.

  3. R Smitty says:

    Look at that, Jason! anon has given you hope!

  4. Rebecca says:

    Here’s a question. Is this a guy thing about no fun after 50? Speaking as a woman I am having a terrific time and have been for the past decade. But then all my fun doesn’t originate in my genitals.

    Come on DV, let’s get down and dirty. I just set it up for you.

  5. anon says:

    But then all my fun doesn’t originate in my genitals.

    Geez, three more old guys just shot themselves.

  6. Rebecca says:

    HAH! I guess it is a guy thing. No wonder we live longer. Sorry guys.

  7. Mat Marshall says:

    Big fan of Hunter’s. Sad to know he’s gone.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    HST had some health issues and it is hard to think that he lived anything but a hard life. He may have accelerated his life significantly, so his 50 might be my 70. If I live 17 years past 70, I’m good.

    Although, I’m hoping to make it to 2066 to see the millennial anniversary of the Battle of Hastings.

  9. disbelief says:

    The guy did have a lot of really painful physical problems. Plus, when his nemisis Nixon expired, he had little left to live for.

  10. JohnnyX says:

    I’m just hoping to make it to 2015 so I can have Goldie Wilson III convert my Geo to a hovercar, dine at the Cafe ’80s (where it’s always morning in America, even in the afterno0-noo-noon), see the Cubs win the World Series, and own a Pit Bull brand hoverboard (remember, they don’t work on water, unless you’ve got POWER).

  11. donviti says:

    name the time and place rebecca…time and place

  12. disbelief says:

    Is DV or Rebecca living proof that you can’t wear it out?

  13. R Smitty says:

    Although, I’m hoping to make it to 2066 …
    I’m just hoping to make it to 2015 …

    Wait…I thought we were all doomed on 12.21.2012. Crap. Now I have to make long-term plans?!?! This post just keeps getting more and more depressing for me.

  14. nemski says:

    : begin sarcasm :

    Typical of you pinko-liberals glorifying a drug addict and suicider.

    What’s next? I bet you and your flag-burning hippie friends will start believing in hope and change.

    : end sarcasm :

  15. A friend of mine was a real glam grrrrl in the early 80’s and she went off to higher learning in Fort Collins, Colorado, supporting herself by stripping (she was a natural).

    She had gone to Mt. Pleasant where evidently, there was a lot of speed available in the 70’s (proximity to Claymont, the bluecollar mill town I guess). Crank, biker speed I mean, not the black beauties etc that floated around with the ludes and exotic hemp products to be found at my high school, Brandywine.

    At any rate, she somehow (!) ended up a very close friend of Hunter’s and would tell of going up to his compound and snorting up the piles of coke everywhere.

  16. nemski says:

    Geez, what a suprise she went to Mt. Pleasant. LOL.

  17. cassandra m says:

    In my freshman year at college, the signature lecture series (aimed at civilizing all of us math and science geeks) that year was focused on the Media. They had Walker Cronkite and some other biggies plus HST speaking. Most of us had read HST, but the man himself, in the flesh, sitting alone on a big stage sipping from his ever-present bottle of Wild Turkey was unforgettable. Here was a grownup who was a grownup quite utterly on his own terms and we were just rapt. Largely he just riffed on the events of the day, really stretched out on that singular erudition of his; didn’t want to deal with teen adoration questions; and sipped his drinks. We were so thrilled to see him, but more than anything I think we all walked away with the idea that you really could be professionally competent and successful on your own terms. That still seems to be important to me.

    When he was on, he was one of the best observers of the world ever.

    Has anyone read that new bio of HST that has been out for a few months?

  18. Dorian Gray says:

    Nancy – I like that story.

  19. R Smitty says:

    Wait! I went to Mt Pleasant! I missed out on that crap?

    Once again, this post just got even MORE depressing for me. Damn!