If I’m a McCain Campaign Staffer, I’m wanting to get paid once a week. Cash if possible.

Filed in National by on February 20, 2008

Mr. 19%

Holy crap.

Overall, 19% of Americans say that they approve of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president, 77% disapprove, and 4% are undecided.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Via Atrios, no? The Holy Crap gave you away.

  2. nemski says:

    Jason, just because you are falling for eloquent but empty words, doesn’t mean everyone is. It’s obvious that many of us are concerned about Venezuelan terrorists.

    Some great charts here, http://www.pollster.com/presbushapproval.php

  3. jason330 says:

    nancy is a stickler. I assumed it was clear that it was from Atrios – but everyone one knows that when you assume you make an ASSU out of ME.

    Or something to that effect.

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    More evidence of the myth that Republicans know how to run an economy. In fact, they are far worse at it than the Democrats.

  5. No worries Jase. As an Atriot, I kinda get territorial I guess.

  6. FSP says:

    “More evidence of the myth that Republicans know how to run an economy.”

    the approval rating of an unpopular war president is a judgment on a party’s ability to run an economy?

  7. Dana Garrett says:

    “the approval rating of an unpopular war president is a judgment on a party’s ability to run an economy?”

    You should actually read the links, Dave. Bush’s approval rating on handling the economy is 14%.

    Here’s why:

    1. The greatest US Budget deficit in US history.

    2. The highest national debt in US history.

    3. The greatest income inequality since the great depression (although I suspect that income inequality is something you don’t give a damn about).

    Bush takes the record from the previous record holder in all those categories: Ronald Reagan, a Republican.


  8. anon says:

    Bah – debt, deficit, inequality – voters don’t care about that.

    All they know is their buying power is shrinking and their job security is shaky, and they won’t be able to install that granite countertop and take the family to DisneyWorld this year.

  9. meatball says:

    I’ll make it Disney this year. You know bootstraps and all that.