JFK vs. George Bush (and Tom Carper) on FISA

Filed in National by on February 20, 2008


Too bad Kennedy was lacking in “experience” he might have made a decent president.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. TPN says:

    I played this speech (almost entirely) on WDEL on the Mascitti show when I hosted it with Dana on December 31st.

    Kennedy had it right.

  2. Brian says:

    Kennedy was right and proved voltaire right when he said that it is “dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.”

  3. Puzzler says:

    Good catch Jason – a public service. The guy made his mistakes and miscalculations. And he didn’t really have enough time to learn the job. But he was brilliant. And he came from a tradition in which priviledged people still, sometimes, felt a responsibility to serve.

    Contrast W., who felt an entitlement to rule, and would not understand this speech if he heard it on headphones.