Lay Off Cindy McCain

Filed in National by on February 20, 2008

I think that fact that Cindy McCain stole Percocet and Vicodin from her own charity is irrelevent sideshow and I hope it gets dealt with quickly by the McCain campaign and put to rest.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. nemski says:

    The fact that she stole Percocet and Vicodin makes me respect her even more.

  2. jason330 says:

    We all go through rough patches. Being married to McCain she has probably had more than her fair share.

  3. disbelief says:

    Mrs. McCain sniping at Mrs. Obama looked like the Queen of the Whites-only Country Club putting “one of those people” in her place.

    The servants had good things to say about Mrs. McCain. Of course with the caveat that “you don’t want to get on the wrong side of that bitch.”

  4. anon says:

    I would respect them both even more if they Jello-wrestled to settle this thing.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Let’s see, she stole the meds from her own charity, the doctor who wrote counterfit script for her lost his license, the guy she fired got harassed with trumped-up charges and eventually left town, and she successfully gamed the justice system. It’s a classic case of IOKIYAR.

    It also looks like a glass house to me. She’d better be careful about lobing stones at Michelle. The Obama campaign might be too classy to go after her but the rest of us aren’t.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    So St. McCain dumped his 1st wife for a trophy bleach-blonde with trust fund-fueled deep pockets, and only waited one month to shack-up with her?

    Par for the course on the Rethug ticket, I’d say…

    ….Cindy best STFU, unless she wants to be a national joke like that other felonious script-user, Comedian Rush Limbaugh.

  7. disbelief says:

    And if it did come to a jello-wrestling match, I’d give 10-to-1 that Michelle would clean the floor with that bleached-blond fossil.

  8. jason330 says:

    Did Nemski coin the term” GILF” last night? Becuase that was just wrong.

    Also – if it was his coinage, he deserves some kind of award.

  9. disbelief says:

    What does the “G” stand for? Grandma?

  10. nemski says:

    Yes, G stands for Grandma. And sadly, I know I saw it somewhere else, maybe

  11. Von Cracker says:

    Dude – we’ve been using the terms MILF and GILF since college, back in the early 90s!

    After Parents’ weekend, and the annual Parents’ Tailgate, during our frat meeting we’d hold a contest for which brother had the best MILF (subsequently a category for GILF was added too…)

    Mrs. Firaretti won Best MILF three years in a row! I think she was only a few years older than us anyway…so it really wasn’t fair….

  12. jason330 says:

    VC –

    It is at times like this that I realize I am on the wrong side of a grand canyon like generational divide.

    BTW – I’m sure the mom’s liked being judged like so much beef at the 4H pavilion of the state fair.

  13. anon says:

    I’m sure the winners didn’t mind so much.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    it was our own mrs america pageant…so to speak 😉

  15. disbelief says:

    But then she’d come back to the frat house after the tail-gate with a few under her belt and you giggle to her that she won the MILF contest and next thing you know her son is all up in your face and you’re like “no one misses a slice off a cut loaf” and he’s like either not talking to you or trying to kick your ass and she’s really embarrassed and even though they know better the Social Chairman brings it up at the Sunday frat meeting and furniture is broken and there’s a real cloud on stuff for a while and everyone is pissed at you because she never shows up to the frat again.

  16. Von Cracker says:

    Wow! it was just like that, Dis! 😉

    Winners were presented with a handle of VO and a copy of The Graduate on VHS.

  17. Joe M says:

    At least this explains the low-key mood as McCain’s speeches. She stole them then handed them out. She’s freakin’ Robin Hood!

  18. disbelief says:

    Herr Cracker, the Social Chairman should have had the good sense to gloss-over the incident due to bad feelings involved and given the weekly award to someone else but it was just too funny to resist.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Actually, the winners were unaware of their accomplishment….thank god.

    it was all in good fun….

  20. disbelief says:

    I agree with the good fun part. You’d even argue that literature from the beginning of human history humorously pointed out people doinking all over the place people they shouldn’t have been doinking. I mean, its not like we were GOP legislators let loose on the Senate Page Club meeting. And she was older and obviously more mature; I feel like I was taken advantge of.

  21. Von Cracker says:

    All that’s left is shame….

  22. donviti says:

    it’s Rilf man, Republican…

    come on!

  23. nemski says:

    hey dv, didn’t we already discuss that for you it would be *ILF

    * = wildcard

  24. disbelief says:

    I got it!

    Instead of President Blogger, we can do BLIF! Or would DV win that?

  25. Brian says:

    “The fact that she stole Percocet and Vicodin makes me respect her even more.”

    The last nail in the republican party has just been hammered in. Thanks GOP….

  26. joe says:

    If Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama wrestled, McCain looks like she wouldn’t take any shit.

  27. soulsurvivor says:

    If Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama wrestled you know who the winner would be? WE SPECTATORS! Who ever won would get to face Nancy Pelosi!

  28. Joe M says:

    Thanks for bringing this one back, Dr. Frankenstein.

  29. matt says:

    Gee, is that all you guys have? Since you can’t find anything of real importance to attack Gov Palin, now you are all attacking Mrs McCain’s wardrobe. How typically pathetic the increasingly DESPERATE, the Obama leftists are becoming. At least your candidate has more class by not personally attacking the spouses and children of his opponent. Are wardrobes fair game. Who cares. Cindy McCain is a VERY classy woman and she would have displayed the same in pajamas. Her sincere record of humanitarian work is a testament to the wonderment of a fine woman who backs a fine and dedicated man and family. To me, there is nothing that could display classiness finer than that. There is a segment of America that understands this, and that segment of America will make her First Lady. She doesn’t need the star appeal of Obama to make her husband shine, but her charm and beautiful looks definitely helps wenches like our current Speaker of the House keep scarred and on the edge. Cindy McCain is a hottie in my book. Not only is she wonderful to look at, she is an unstoppable force behind the man who will be our next president. Behind every great person is someone who truly endears and loves them. Senator McCain is a very blessed man. Governor Palin has a fine husband behind her as well. It is amazing how one human can complement and make whole another person, and bring out the best that person has and can be. Love is wonderful and mysterious.

  30. liberalgeek says:

    Matt, you are a moron. Please notice that this post is over a month old. I haven’t even mentioned the dress that Cindy McCain wore to the convention. But now that you mention it…

    Cindy McCain’s RNC dress cost $300,000. Incidentally, I once bought something for less than $300K and I plan to actually own it outright in 25 more years.

    Thanks for reminding me that the McCain’s are elitists.