Teamsters, Boilermakers, Fat Ladies Singing…I’m still not calling it a done deal

Filed in National by on February 20, 2008

So don’t use this thread to put down your choice for VP (or sec of state…).

And while you are not doing that, don’t wonder who is going to run for Joe Biden’s open seat.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Obama/Richardson – for the obvious reasons….

    Biden or Hagel for Sec State – open up that NEB seat for a lib!!!

    Edwards as AG….

    …I’m sure none of these will ever happen….

  2. nemski says:

    Who knows what ugliness Bill & Hill have instore for Obama.

    From the NYT regarding Clinton’s retooled strategy.

    Summing up the forthcoming strategy, Howard Wolfson, Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman, put it this way:

    “Senator Obama is not running on legislative achievements, he’s not running on his preparedness to be commander-in-chief, he’s not running on his experience in government. He’s running on the power of his oratory and the strength of his promises. And then voters see his oratory being lifted, his promises being broken and surrogates being unable to name any legislative accomplishments.”

    Oh yeah, fuck Chris Matthews.

  3. JohnnyX says:

    How about Obama / Napolitano – as a way to entice the Hillary voters who really just want a woman, not necessarily Hill. Tough on immigration, and from McCain’s home state.

    Oh yeah, and Biden for SecState / Edwards for AG are no brainers.

  4. jason330 says:

    VC – what is obvious about Richardson?

    Nemski – thanks for following the rules.

  5. jason330 says:

    I’m not taking part in this, but if I did – I’d have to say that an elder statesman type would be a good idea.

    Also, you need someone in VP who has can roll up his/her sleaves and take the fight to the other guy. So Biden is not out in my book, but he might try to overshadow the candidate.

    nevertheless, I loved the way Biden beat up on Guliani with a clever turn of a phrase.

  6. nemski says:

    Clinton is like that girlfriend you tried to break up with and she wouldn’t take a hint.

    As a matter of fact, her response when you told her that you were breaking up was that it takes two people to break up and she wasn’t going anywhere.

    I know the Clinton campaign is hoping (isn’t that word trademarked by Obama?) that Obama will self-destruct in the next two weeks, but I have a sneaking suspicion we might get to see Hillary implode on national tv.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Richardson has demonstrated and ample foreign policy experience, along with solidifying the Latino vote. He’ll bring NM and CO into play and maybe TX too (though unlikely).

  8. FSP says:

    Definitely going to need someone on the ticket who’s actually done something, don’cha think?

  9. nemski says:

    Jason, you were right not to jump ahead of ourselves. Looks like Clinton is getting ready to attack with some blistering add from a 527 group.

  10. disbelief says:

    Dave, you mean like the DE GOP Gov/Lt. Gov ticket?

  11. nemski says:

    From Slate:

    These post-rout speeches have given me a better understanding of her [Clinton’s] marriage: ignore painful reality until it bites so hard you’re forced to scream.) But it’s one thing to be resolute and tough; it’s another to come off as if you prefer to stay oblivious when things are bad. Don’t we want a president who can deal with reality, even if it’s unpleasant?

  12. Von Cracker says:

    FSP/Dave – I think you’re conflating the reliance on the status quo as having experience. Look at W’s experience prior to being Gov of TX…Where was his experience? All I can find are remnants of vulture capitalism – nothing left but failed investment without return and bankrupt pension plans and 401Ks….

    …see where that experience got us, huh?

    Fuck! He even traded Sammy Sosa! 😉

  13. Selander says:

    Hagel’s already retiring. The Nebraska seat is open this cycle, but former Governor and Agr. Sec Johanns is running and could be hard to beat.

    What about Senator Jim Webb of Virginia for VP? Former Sec. of the Navy, decorated war hero who’s written several books that are on the West Point required reading list. He also admitted to wanting to punch out the President:

  14. Benjamin says:

    Richardson has also been an absolutely ridiculously bad campaigner and has lost lots of credibility with many constituencies of the Dem Party.
    As a gay man, I will never get over the “choice” answer. He says he was not prepared for the question, which is bad enough when you are running for President, but the fact his instincts told him to answer that way is enough for me to cross him off my list.
    Besides, he has a lot of liabilities in his past. I don’t think he will be picked.

    Obama-Webb or Obama-Sebelius are my guesses at this stage.

  15. liz allen says:

    Obama needs the white male vote. Edwards had it and the unions, progressives and working class (those making under $50,000 Edwards can take the south. I would not count out latino votes going to Obama, not Hillary. There is a movement in Texas from the Latinos…Latinos for Obama. She may not take Texas either! I agree that Biden for Secretary of State is a winner. Sebelius and Webb are still unknowns. And we havent heard from Al Gore yet? Teamsters endorsed Obama today!

  16. nemski says:

    Apparently Michelle Obama really love America, or does she.

    And Bill Clinton says it’s almost over but blames America.

    “If she wins in Texas and Ohio I think she will be the nominee,” he said. “If you don’t deliver for her then I don’t think she can. It’s all on you.”

  17. cassandra m says:

    Hillary doesn’t have much legislation to her name, either. And her signature contribution to the governance of the US in her term of office was to vote for the Iraq war. Is it me, or does it seems dumb to give the Obama folks an easy pivot like that?

    I know this is a minority view, but I still love the idea of an Obama/Biden ticket. If Obama is the candidate he will need someone who knows every inch of DC. I think I would go for Richardson as SecState and Wes Clark (I know he is a Hillaryite) or Webb as SecDef.

  18. nemski says:

    liz, in Wisconsim Obama took the white males 63-34. in MD, 48-45, in VA 58-40

    It’s the old white women that are proving a problem.

  19. Kayne West says:

    From the AP:

    “The only way she can do it is winning states like Ohio 65-35, Texas 65-35, Pennsylvania, you know, 70-30. and you go on and on and on. She’d have to win pretty much all the states, even states where we’re considered to have some strength,” he added.

  20. Dana Garrett says:

    “I’m not taking part in this, but if I did – I’d have to say that an elder statesman type would be a good idea.”

    I agree. I hope it’s not Richardson. He was a disappointing presidential candidate.

    I’m thinking General Wesley Clark as an excellent choice politically.

  21. Today, MSNBC reported on Obama’s work and he was credited for swift passage of law resolving problems surrounding the Walter Reed Hospital scandal for one.

    I am liking Edwards for VP, he has earned it.
    Obama/Edwards with Biden in the cabinet.