Delaware Liberal

Open Our General Asembly Update: New Castle, Elsmere, Oceanview and Smyrna Pass Open Goverment Resolutions

My petition stunt was fun, but getting transparency in our state government is a marathon, not a sprint. Fortunately we have a people grinding it out, keeping open government on the agenda.

With that in mind, I think that this OOGA! report is overly modest.

The OOGA/DEFOG group has been quite but busy since the opening day of the General Assembly on Jan 6th. We’ve launched a campaign to get local governments to pass resolutions in support of Senator Peterson’s SB4 that redefines the General Assembly as a public body and subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

So far the City of New Castle and the Towns of Elsmere, Oceanview and Smyrna have passed these resolutions. We are hoping to convince the 53 other towns in Delaware to join in on this. Two mailings have gone out, the most recent one last week. We’re following up with phone calls to the Mayors and/or Council Presidents on the night before their next meeting. If you know the Mayor or Council President in your town you could help with these calls.

There’s more in the works and we will report as things progress. We will not go gently into that good night Senator Adams.

Let me know in the comments if you would like to help get your municipality to pass a resolution and let’s keep the wheels turning.

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