Breaking: Dick Cathcart Calls for Firings Over Lofink Escheat

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 26, 2008

Unfortunately Cathcart wants to fire Vince Meconi and not anyone directly involved with Lofink-gate.

h/t again – Al Mascitti


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Isn’t this apples to oranges? I think the major difference between the two scandals is the DPC mess was systemic and had occurred for years. This escheat scandal was over the period of several months. Aside from those directly involved, I don’t see why any more heads have to roll. Unless further ivestigation –like the DPC investigation– reveals further misconduct. I think your sarcasm is a bit early, though I do agree somewhat with the sentiment.

  2. jason330 says:

    Reaction to the Lofink escheat thing has been kind of subdued.

  3. …must be the right-wing media, huh?

  4. R Smitty says:

    Yeah, I heard Allan Loudel buried the story in support of McCain [/snark]

  5. Brian says:


  6. Al Mascitti says:

    Seriously, now — according to Sean O’Sullivan’s story, there was a serious lack of due dilligence after the initial tip, leading to the irretrievable loss of nearly $1 million.

    Given the nepotism in that office (Cook’s son, Henry’s son), what confidence should we have that a truly impartial review will be done in private? So why are the Republicans so disinterested in finding out what happened?