Delaware Liberal

Dave’s Media Lynching: Shoe Hurts Other Foot

I like Dave, I’m a big Dave fan. But just read this thread and laugh along with me.

So how does it feel when it happens to you? Not so good, right? Well it is exactly the GOP game plan that Dave’s been a willing player in for as long as I’ve been blogging.

The Modus Operandi is this:

1) Catch a liberal (in this case Dave) in an unguarded moment.

2) Use the talk radio smear machine to take the moment out of context and blow it out of proportion.

3) Get “legit” commenter to express “shock” and “outrage.”

4) Up the ante by pressing some outrageous demand (e.g. “Everyone call his employer and demand he is fired.) thereby trying to keep the target off balance.

Now Dave is the target – but he knows full well he has been a part of the dark side of this. How do I know, because I…yes I…expressed a pang of regret yesterday for being on the dark side of it regarding the IRSD. I’m not saying I’m sad about my role in the IRSD thing, I think we have to fight fire with fire.

I’m saying it takes one to know one bitches!

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