Delaware Liberal

More of the same…

President Bush called on the House of Representatives today to renew a surveillance law that expired this month and to protect telecommunications companies from lawsuits, saying it was “not fair” to allow the firms to be sued for cooperating with the federal government’s efforts to monitor terrorist suspects.

OHHHHHH, so I see, it’s not fair because you know you broke the law? And those evil Lawyers will bankrupt the companies that were only protecting Merika? OH FOR GOD’S SAKE!

“I get briefed every morning about threats we face, and they’re real,” Bush told the National Governors Association at the White House.

Just hang on to that statemment for a brief second. So he get’s “briefed every morning” WOWWWWWW!!!! DAMN the urgency! oh god, the President of the United States! Briefed every morning (not boxered rimshot…thankyou) about THREATS! FUCKING THREATS MAN! Do you know how dangerous a Fucking Threat is? That is like, like, like, well it’s really bad man! It’s a threat! and this guy is getting FUCKING THREATS EVERYDAY!! God damn I don’t feel safe right now knowing that AT&T could get sued because they broke the law! FUCK GEORGE GIVE THEM IMMUNITY GOD DAMNIT! We are getting threats everyday!

Do you know what the kicker is? they are real! UH-HUH that’s right fucking REAL THREATS, EVERYDAY THIS GUY GETS. HOLY SHIT! it’s like, like, like we are threatened as a country. And I feel like one of those caged animals on a bad Fox Series “When Donviti’s Attack” I could go all nucking futs on someone right now. MY PRESIDENT and yours IS GETTING BREIFED EVERYGODDAMNEDMOTHERFUCKINGHOLYTERROROF A DAY and in those Briefs are REAL FUCKING THREATS! holy shit..

world collapsing
around me

but we aren’t done…oh man..this is getting horrible. I’m pretty sure that with everyday gone by we don’t let Verizon get off scott free for breaking the law and spying on ALL americans I could be bombed by another terrorists that was born in Saudi Arabia, came to this country on a Student Visa and Killed 3000 people all a month after some moron was handed a Memo that tells him Osama is determined to fly a plane into a building”

don’t you understand people? That if we don’t have all the warning signs for the next big attack we can’t protect you like the last time we, uh, err, protected you…but wait here’s more!

“In my judgment, we have got to give the professionals who work hard to protect us all the tools they need. To put it bluntly, if the enemy is calling to America, we really need to know what they’re saying. And we need to know what they’re thinking. And we need to know who they’re talking to. . . . It’s essential that we understand the mentality of these killers.”

I don’t have the energy for this last one. But I do appreciate him being blunt with me. The last line I think is the best. I couldn’t agree with you more George and the sooner we get you out of office the sooner history can start looking back and answering that question about, Cheney, Rummy and the rest of you disgusting examples of Self Described Patriots.

(I would spit on your grave Mr. President) given the chance I probably will one day….for all the criminals you have protected and all the innocent people you have murdered as well as for the harm you done to my country.

Daily briefs of real threats people…the hits keep on rolling.

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