Archive for February, 2008

Breaking: Protack’s Signature Issue – “I’m Mike Protack” Still Not Catching Fire

Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 3 Comments

There is no story. I just fell in love with that headline.

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The Other Republican Candidate: A DelDOT CPA

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 14, 2008 0 Comments

Dave Graham, an employee at DelDOT has thrown his hat into the ring. In no time, Mike Protack will be helping us out with dirt on Mr. Graham. Sockpuppets of the world, unite!

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One Year Ago Today

Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 13 Comments

Ah the memories…. Well as a ploy to trick Donvit and Liberalgeek to come on board it worked like gangbusters! I’m done here Posted by delawareliberal under Uncategorized [10] Comments I’ve made a few half hearted stabs at getting someone to take up Delawareliberal but nothing has panned out. So, I’m signing off. Peace out. […]

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Republicans Strine, Stone and Blakey Hate Retired People but Love Money

Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 12 Comments

How else can you characterize it when a simple bill to protect the rights of retired people who live in manufactured housing gets: 1) hijacked by Donna Stone who tried to double to size of the bill diluting to the point of uselessness and 2) when that fails and it looks like the bill might […]

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duuuuude, Canada is so awesome!

Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 3 Comments

The smoke filling it up can no longer be deemed a reason for arrest in Canada: “The smell alone can’t constitute the grounds because the smell of burnt marijuana – as opposed to raw marijuana – gives an inference that the material is gone, it’s dissipated into the atmosphere. So how can you say you’re […]

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Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 9 Comments

I just got a phone call.  It was kind of wierd though, wait, hold on, before I tell you about the phone call I need to back up and let you know about some of the events that led to this phone call… Yesterday after work I was feeling pretty down so I decided to […]

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Bill Kristol on A Daily Show

Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 4 Comments

The neo-cons still don’t get it.

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Comment Rescue: Super Delegates Take Note

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008 11 Comments

Most of us here are hard core poltical junkies who, after eight years of Bush, are quick to anger and easy to piss off. For the majority of the past eight years we’ve been freaks to some extent. I know I have felt like totally wigged out canary in an ever more gas filled coal […]

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They don’t call it the “Delaware” river for nothing

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008 4 Comments
They don’t call it the “Delaware” river for nothing

You Bon-Jovi-loving-loser can shove it. PS. How did I ever miss Dave’s proposal to sell half of the river to the Garden State for Five BILLION DOLLARS! Mwah..ha..ha..! (He must have made that proposal when I was on my year long hiatus.)

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Delaware Dem Bringing the Heat !

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008 5 Comments

….POW!..… Bam!…..

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Someone Please Pour Hube A Stiff Drink

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008 12 Comments

This kind of craven political correctness is going to require at least a cold compress for his head. The new Dirty Hippie Prime Minister of Australia is apologizing to aborigines. Feb. 13 (Bloomberg) — Australia’s new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd offered the nation’s first apology to Aborigines taken from their families for assimilation with the […]

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I don’t care what people say…

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008 42 Comments

There I was all decked out in my mesh shirt, nipples exposed, soft leather hat and chaffs showing off my well sculpted backside last month at the store.  I was staring at myself in the mirror and was thinking, there is no way, NO WAY I’m not going to win best dressed male in Soho, […]

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Bad Democrats Like Tom Carper Who Ignore Their Constituents Can Be Removed through primaries.

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008 9 Comments

It took Donna Edwards two tries in order to get it done, but she knocked off a real “Tom Carper Democrat.” When our incumbent Democrats put the best interests of lobbysists and corporatins above the best interests of the voters, as Tom Carper has done, they need to be removed. Donna Edwards reminds us that […]

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