Archive for February, 2008

A Guest Post from Senator Tom Carper

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 13, 2008 6 Comments

Donviti – I am displeased to find out that you have joined others at Delaware Liberal in disparaging my reputation because you have a problem with my so-called “voting record.” Frankly, I expected more from you. Although I’m from West Virginia I have a deep respect for your people and flatter myself to think that […]

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Delegate Counts After Last Night

Filed in National by on February 13, 2008 1 Comment

This is from Johnathan Singer at MyDD A few things just in from Chuck Todd on MSNBC, who gets this stuff really well: – NBC News now has Barack Obama up 1,078 to 969 in pledged delegates over Hillary Clinton. – After tonight that number could be about 1,128 to 1,009. Importantly, though, when you […]

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Liveblogging the Potomac Primary #3

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008 168 Comments

busy night.

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Liveblogging the Potomac Primary #2

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008 160 Comments

the last thread got too long…

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Liveblogging the Potomac (or Chesapeake or Crabcake) Primary

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008 185 Comments

We’ll be here at 8 now, to blog as the returns come in.  Come on by, for what is fast becoming a tradition.  And yes, Chris Matthews is an ass.  Let’s move on from there.

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Rejected Delmarva Power PR solgans

Filed in National by on February 12, 2008 3 Comments

Before Gary Stockbridge decided on “We’re connected to you by more than power lines” as the new PR slogan for Delmarva Power slogan, he discarded a number of alternatives that just didn’t fit the bill. Many he considered too honest. I don’t know about that, why don’t you be the judge? – Suck it! – […]

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DelawareLiberal Talent Search

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008 16 Comments

I did my Harris McDowell video this weekend.  While overall, I am happy with the results, I am a little disappointed in the voice talent that I hired (namely, me).  So I am looking for someone that has a sufficiently scary voice that doesn’t mind using that voice to excoriate the windpower evildoers.  If you […]

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Carper = Spineless Fu@@ers!

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008 15 Comments

Well it’s nice to know how Tom Carper feel about immunity. I can’t think of a better word to describe him other than spineless. The government asks the Phone Companies to break the law and spy on us, they do, subsequently they are breaking the law. Well I guess the way Carper sees it, that’s […]

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Did anyone hear Allan Loudell’s “News at Noon” today?

Filed in National by on February 12, 2008 2 Comments

What’s new in Wagnerville? ALSO – The blind Squirrel that is NJ “cartoonist” Jack Jurden found a nut. h/t Delaware Dem

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We won’t extend unemployment benefits but we will

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008 4 Comments

Extend mortgage lifelines for a few of our closest buddies in the bizz baby.  The plan, called Project Lifeline, will be announced Tuesday by the Treasury Department and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, The participants are Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., Countrywide Financial Corp., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Washington Mutual Inc. and Wells […]

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Bank of Stupidity, woops, America

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008 8 Comments

Bank of America abruptly notified cardholders in good standing their rates would skyrocket if they didn’t opt out fast. Is BofA greedy or needy? The major credit-card lender in mid-January sent letters notifying some responsible cardholders that it would more than double their rates to as high as 28%, without giving an explanation for the […]

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Someone is getting fired at the Chevy plant for this one!

Filed in National by on February 12, 2008 3 Comments

Man’s ’91 pickup passes the 1M-mile mark The balls on them to screw up and make a truck that lasts for 16 years!

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So much at stake in this primary including the future of the “50 State Strategy”

Filed in National by on February 12, 2008 13 Comments

The last Democratic President to win the white house used the narrow electoral college strategy. Bill Clinton’s campaign picked up stream down the stretch and while winning only 43% of the popular vote, Clinton bested HW Bush 370 to 168 in the electoral college. At that point Democrats got it stuck in their stupid heads […]

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