Archive for February, 2008

Rick Jensen is an ass.

Filed in National by on February 11, 2008 6 Comments

There are a lot of TV shows that exploit people.  At least the people exploited by “Extreme Home Makeover” get something out of it.

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Obama Needs some Phone help with the Potomac Primaries

Filed in National by on February 11, 2008 6 Comments

I’m hearing that they need some help over the next 2 days to get the word out. You can help from your home by just making a few calls during peoples dinner hour and totally disturb them while they sit around the dinner table yelling at each other.  The great part is you can make the […]

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The Awesomeness

Filed in National by on February 11, 2008 5 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] Good choice Republicans!

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could this endorsement ring any more hollow?

Filed in National by on February 11, 2008 4 Comments

President Bush waded directly into the presidential campaign in an interview broadcast yesterday, defending Sen. John McCain as a “true conservative” Isn’t it sort of like Delmarva telling Delaware they are for windpower?

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Wanna Run Against Harris McDowell?

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 11, 2008 8 Comments

Here’s your first commercial. [youtube][/youtube] You’re welcome. More to come for Charlie Copeland and Thurman Adams.

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Ahh more anti hillary bias

Filed in National by on February 10, 2008 10 Comments

I wonder if the Clintons will rail against the NY Times too? A freaking awesome read by Frank Rich and one that more Hillary Lovers ought to take some time to review Change my ass, these 2 make me f/ing sick

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Obama Tops His Weekend With A Grammy

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 10, 2008 2 Comments

He really is having a hell of a run.  Congrats Obama!  He not only beat out Clinton, but Jimmy Carter.  That’s three Democratic Presidents, if I’m counting right…

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Hillary’s Inner Tracy Flick

Filed in National by on February 10, 2008 4 Comments


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Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 10, 2008 8 Comments

Breaking: Romney CRUSHED McFly in Maine. I think if they had a “none of the above” choice McFly would have finished third. I’m off to my local “Jack Pack” meeting. Stay warm everybody.

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Iowa Electronic Markets & Super Delegates

Filed in National by on February 10, 2008 15 Comments
Iowa Electronic Markets & Super Delegates

If you filter out the volatility around the New Hampshire primary, the trend lines look pretty good for Obama. (click to enlarge) The one on the right is the recent chart from which gets a more international investor. $0.62 to $0.41 is a pretty big lead as we head to the wire. Granted, these […]

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Tom Carper Is On Board With Taking Out Castle

Filed in National by on February 10, 2008 15 Comments

Uh…no. Can we keep it real please? People who like going to movies like the sense of letting their imagination drift into the world being projected up on that big screen and allowing themselves to be swept up in the hopes and dreams of the characters. They like the feeling that those hopes are not […]

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Obama kicking ass and taking names

Filed in National by on February 10, 2008 7 Comments

“We won in Louisiana, we won in Nebraska, we won in Washington state,” Obama told a roaring crowd at a Democratic fundraising dinner in Richmond last night. “We won north, we won south, we won in between. And I believe that we can win Virginia on Tuesday if you’re ready to stand for change.” and […]

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They don’t make them like this anymore.

Filed in National by on February 9, 2008 2 Comments

When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’d say “A High School Student” [youtube][/youtube] The rubber mask reveal never got old. [youtube][/youtube] Somehow they made it work. [youtube][/youtube] Saturday Morning Gold! [youtube][/youtube]

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