Archive for February, 2008

UPDATED: DelawareLiberal Readers For Obama Fundraising Drive

Filed in National by on February 7, 2008 21 Comments

2/7/2008 9:28 am UPDATE: 9 contributors for a total of $525.00. That’s 75%. We are getting tantalizingly close to the $700.00 goal! If you have NEVER donated to ANY political campaign I want you to donate $25.00 today! You will not spontaneuously combust. I promise. I’m looking for three first timers to donate $25.00 each […]

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Breaking: Romney Suspending Campaign

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 7, 2008 21 Comments

CNN is reporting that Romney is suspending the campaign. I guess he is hoping McCain has a heart attack. Unfortunately, it means that the R’s will have a candidate from now until November. h/t Tyler UPDATE: It just occured to me that now Republicans get to pick between the guy who wants to stay in […]

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Carney’s Economic Development

Filed in National by on February 7, 2008 12 Comments

Okay I guess… Sounds sorta like another blue ribbon Committee and continues to focus on sucking up to fortune 500 companies to me. I prefer an economic development program that (like Markell’s) concentrates more on entrepreneurship.

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DNC suggests caucuses in Michigan, Florida

Filed in National by on February 6, 2008 13 Comments

Man oh man we’ve got some smart readers around here. Last night I pissed on this idea and now.. Voila! LANSING — The Democratic National Committee is pressuring Michigan and Florida to hold Democratic presidential caucuses so the delegates they’ve lost for holding January primaries can be seated at the national convention, a top Michigan […]

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The problem with “small government” conservatives…

Filed in National by on February 6, 2008 14 Comments

…is that (unless you push your produce to market down rutted dirt paths in some godforsaken corner of Kent County) EVERYONE depends on the government in some way or another.

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UPDATED III: 43% of Delaware Super Delegates Pledged To Clinton

Filed in National by on February 6, 2008 447 Comments

Update: The petition is mothballed. I just moved Carper to the unpledged side. I put him with Clinton in haste based on his DLC connections and not finding him on either list. Well, I wasn’t looking hard enough because there he is on the unpledged list. My bad. Here are your Delaware Super Delegates: Pledged […]

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Behind the DE GOP Complete and Utter Melt Down (not that I mind)

Filed in National by on February 6, 2008 8 Comments

About primary night, Celia writes: McCain’s chief backer in Delaware was Congressman Mike Castle, the face of the Delaware Republican Party since he was elected governor in 1984. Mike Castle, the face of the Republican party since 1984. That is a succinct explanation for why the DE GOP has fallen apart. Sure, George Bush has […]

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UPDATED: Welcome New Democrats!

Filed in National by on February 6, 2008 31 Comments

I just wanted to amplify my comment last night that  Republicans have until March 30th to change their party affiliation in order to vote in the September primary for Jack Markell. It is a course of action I strongly recommend to anyone who wants to take part in choosing our next Governor. The HUGE turnout […]

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Video Playlist from Primary Night

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 6, 2008 7 Comments

Here is the compilation of my interviews and coverage of the Clinton and Obama parties last night. I’ve never done a playlist before, so hopefully it works out.

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Burris Out. Nice Statement.

Filed in National by on February 6, 2008 35 Comments

Dave brings a lot to the table. His whole statement is worth reading: I would love to be the Governor of the state of Delaware, and more importantly, I would love to run for Governor: to earn it, everyday, vote by vote, from before sunrise to after sunset. I have a story to tell, one […]

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Filed in National by on February 6, 2008 4 Comments

My bookmaking powers were pretty good. The over/under for Obama is 54%: Result 53% Unders win. The over/under for Biden is 3%: Result 2.97 that is a push. No winners. The over/under for McCain is 52%: Result 45% Unders Win R Smitty Wins! Morning thought: I think the Republicans voting for McCain do so hoping […]

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Obama Wins Big! (don’t expect to the MSM to cover it)

Filed in National by on February 6, 2008 2 Comments

State Wins: Obama – 13 Clinton – 8 Delegate Projections: 841 – Obama 837 – Clinton And to put those numbers in perspective, Obama closed huge gaps and hoped to stay within 100 delegates of Clinton. I’d say he kicked ass. However… I Googled these terms under the “news” tab: “Obama wins” then google “Clinton […]

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Live Blogging Super Tues Results Thread #4 (REALLY FINAL)

Filed in National by on February 5, 2008 51 Comments

That was killing me. Anyway – DV and geeks reports from the Obama party are getting good. I wonder if I have time to get out there? UPDATE: delegate count Obama 594 Clinton 546 840 is a majority. Obama needed to be within 100 so I’d say he kicked ass. Of course California still needs […]

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