Archive for February, 2008

Republican Radio Host Declares America Not Ready For “Affirmative Action” Presidency

Filed in National by on February 4, 2008 16 Comments

Michael Savage, a Right-of-center Republican talk radio host stated: “America’s not ready for an affirmative action presidency.” On his syndicated show (which reaches 10 million listeners on 410 stations throughout the United States including WILM’s 10 listeners), he insisted that “the American people haven’t been heard from yet” regarding Barack Obama. And that… “when they […]

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Video From the Obama Rally

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 4, 2008 8 Comments

I put this together with some of my footage from before Sen. Obama arrived. Brought to you at no charge and filmed in Zapruder-vision.  Street interviews with Real people.  Thanks, real people. [youtube][/youtube]

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Hartley-Nagle Endorsement of Barack Obama

Filed in National by on February 4, 2008 3 Comments
Hartley-Nagle Endorsement of Barack Obama

On Sunday I noticed one of the candidates for the Democratic nomination for US Congress ath the Obama rally. It was Karen Hartley-Nagle. I spoke with her this afternoon and, inspite of what I think is a genuine affinity for Hillary Clinton, she told me that Obama’s speech persuaded her that he was the right […]

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Super Tuesday Prediction Thread

Filed in National by on February 4, 2008 13 Comments

1) McCain closes the door on Romney. With the “winner take all” nature of the Republican primaries it does not matter if Romney loses by a little or a lot. It is over after tomorrow for the Republicans. 2) Obama to lose by a little. And that would be a big win for him. Because […]

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“I’m Joe Klein from TIME MAGAZINE!”

Filed in National by on February 4, 2008 15 Comments
“I’m Joe Klein from TIME MAGAZINE!”

I had not intended to cover the rally as a journalists and even told Tom Noyes on my way to the event that I wanted to be just an attendee in order to let myself get swept away. But the crowd was so huge and my kids begged off at the last minute – so […]

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A Super Day

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 4, 2008 3 Comments

Like the rest of Delaware, I was at the Obama rally yesterday.  At 6:45 my family woke up after spending the night at The Franklin Institute with our YMCA youth group.  We had a great planetarium show and breakfast.  Then we got on the road and headed home for showers and a change. At 10:30, […]

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Obama Coverage Report Card

Filed in National by on February 4, 2008 7 Comments

Delaware State News: Drew Volturo A Volturo got straight to the heart of the speech and got the numbers right. He found some people from Milford and got some great quotes from them. Wilmington News Journal: Beth Miller C Miller’s story was good – but her editors killed her with the crazily misleading banner headline: […]

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More Pictures from the Rally

Filed in National by on February 3, 2008 4 Comments
More Pictures from the Rally

 Not sure if this was Secret Service or A state guy heading to the top of the old courthouse

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I’m back from the Obama Rally at Rodney Sq

Filed in National by on February 3, 2008 35 Comments
I’m back from the Obama Rally at Rodney Sq

The crowd was amazing.  It was awesome to see such a diverse crowd of people.  What I found even more amazing was how many young children were at this rally.  So many parents brought their children to witness this dynamic person that speaks of hope and Change.  I think the biggest difference between him and […]

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I’ve got a question

Filed in National by on February 3, 2008 5 Comments

I consider myself pretty normal.  With the exception of being in the top 1% of the countries best looking men of course.  Something struck me as a little wierd the other day when I went to use the rest room at work.  Before I proceed I would like to give what might be classified as […]

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Austin-American Statesman Edorsement

Filed in National by on February 3, 2008 1 Comment

Obama presents a view of governing that is inclusive and relies on Americans to work with their government to solve sobering problems at home and abroad. Obama’s familiar refrain on the campaign trail is, “Yes, we can.” By contrast, Clinton promotes a self-centered governing style that drives home what she would do as president. She […]

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Sing it. “yes we can”

Filed in National by on February 3, 2008 1 Comment


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Celia Cohen is a fraud and is every bit as partisan* as I am

Filed in National by on February 2, 2008 1 Comment

Her “objective journalist” pose is total BS. I have backup. *When I say she is partisan, I don’t republican/democrat partisan. I mean incumbents/everyone else partisan.

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