I Must Have Missed This Post Over at DelawarePolitricks

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 5, 2008

Let me first admit that I haven’t read the report yet, although I will tonight.  I just wanted to scoop Dave on Delaware placing #4 in government performance.  The study was conducted by The Pew Center on the States and Governing Magazine and focused on money, people, infrastructure and information.  I’m sure Dave was on the phone congratulating Governor Minner instead of posting it.  I’m so glad that I beat him to it.


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  1. jason330 says:

    If Delaware did anything right it was because Pete DuPont set it up.

    Tomorrow’s response TODAY!

  2. R Smitty says:

    Excuse them, guys. I really put them in a bind with my ‘come to confessional’ message within my Another GOPer Outed post. Allow them to come to grips and expose their secret, then you will get your response as Jason noted in #1.

    By the way, it’s not only because Pete DuPont set it up, it’s also because the current and prev Gov f’ed it up so bad in prior years, this latest period of analysis had no option but to look good! (that was snarky, fellas…relax – you set up the opp., and I took advantage)

  3. George says:

    Pete DuPont is the holy ghost to Reagan’s Jesus for Delaware GOP’ers…

    Russell Peterson is, of course, the fallen angel…

  4. liz allen says:

    Delaware got a failing grade a nice fat “F” in Campaign Finance Reform…we have the bill waiting for a couragous legislator to sign on. Will bring it to our Health Care Rally in Dover on March 13th at noon. thousands of petitions will be delivered to the legislators, and supporters of SB 177, single payer health care and support for HR 676 on the federal level. Did I mention that the National Progressive Democrats support single payer! Hope to see you there!