UPDATED: I’m Not Voting for Hillary Clinton

Filed in National by on March 5, 2008

Josh Marshall at TPM has as good an analysis as I’ve read.

After logging out off the live blogging I played some online poker and watched “Mission to Mars” with Gary Sinise. Then it came to me.

If Hillary Clinton wins PA and takes the nomination I’m done with the Democratic party. And this isn’t some pissy foot stamping. It is done. I’m out.

I’ve reached a turning point and I see it as clearly and soberly as I’ve ever seen anything. I feel liberated.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (38)

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  1. Is it Nader for you? Or none of the above?

  2. Brian says:

    Clinton or McCain means Costa Rica.

  3. disbelief says:

    I’ve always liked Gary Sinise.

  4. Brian says:

    Hopefully the Mars colony will be up and serve as a safe haven for us to hide from the candidate.

  5. Brian says:

    Only Obama may listen to us bright youngins.

  6. RickJ says:

    And now you understand the Protack conundrum.

  7. jason330 says:


    Probably none of the above.

  8. R Smitty says:

    Rick J makes a good point. Welcome to hell.

  9. cassandra m says:

    Hillary still has a big task to get it all. It is still about the delegate counts and I imagine that now they start a full court press for superdelegates.

    Maybe all of us should wait to decide on general election voting until after we’ve figured out how we help in PA…..

  10. Pandora says:

    The sad fact is that this election is far too important. If Hillary gets the nomination we have to vote, if only because of the Supreme Court. One more right-wing judge and it’s over.

    Voting for Hillary doesn’t mean supporting or defending her. Her Presidency will be four years of gridlock.

    What’s really sad is that last fall I liked her. Now I don’t. Her tactics are disgusting, and she’s lost the right to complain about the Repub smear machine. That’s gonna hurt. And I’ll admit it’s hard keeping my eye on the ball.

    McCain is the ball. He’s all war all the time. It’s all he knows, and if he becomes President it’s all he’ll do.

    Meanwhile, don’t count Obama out. Hillary’s National figures suck. She wins hard-core Dems, but loses Independents, Reagan Dems, and moderate Repubs.

    If she is the nominee Ohio will go with McCain. I’ve never seen another state so determined to vote against its self-interest. They’re out of work, but at least they stopped gay marriage.

    Besides her remaining in the race is not necessarily a bad thing. Her campaign has decided that negative campaigning is the way to go. She’s going to get nastier and over-confident. Good. Let her. IF she doesn’t get the nomination let her leave under the shadow of nastiness, rather than a statesman.

    For the next two days the msm will talk about her success, but on day three that will change. She will go back under the microscope. I can’t wait.

  11. anon says:

    Send Obama money. Lots of it.

  12. June says:

    I’m not watching anymore of the election stuff. Just tell me who wins. Those people who know everything are driving me nuts.

    And about HIllary — the only change she offers us is she is a woman and she isn’t George Bush. If she takes away the chance for us to have a REAL CHANGE , on election day I don’t pull any lever for President (unless it’s a close race, then I’d have to vote for her over John McCain).

  13. jason330 says:

    I’m not counting Obama out. I like Josh Marshall’s take on it and think the Obama campaign can do the tings they need to do. But if it comes to it, I can’t vote for the lesser of two evils again.

    I can’t enable the DLC Democratic party again simply because it is slightly better (in theory) than the Republican party.

  14. Rebecca says:

    Olberman made a point around 1:30 this morning — by keeping the nomination wide open the Dems are going to get all sorts of “earned media” from now until whenever — June? OMG — while McCain is going to have to pay for his.

    Hey, ya gotta look for something good out of all this right?

    Anon is right, PA is gonna cost about $30 million. I gotta go find out how I volunteer in Chester County.

  15. anon says:

    Chester County is not the problem for Obama. It’s “Alabama in the middle.”

    (From Carville’s quote about Pennsylvania politics: “You’ve got Philadephia, and Pittsburgh – and Alabama in the middle.”)

  16. anon says:

    …although on second thought, given delegate math it would be good to run up the numbers in Chester County and southeastern PA.

  17. Von Cracker says:

    KO’s point about the DEMS having the limelight all spring and summer got to me….I’m convinced it’s a good thing.

    Look, HRC will not have the elected delegate lead when the convention occurs. If BO can make PA close, like he did in TX and will close out OH with a single-digit loss, he’ll have a very strong case for the uncommitted Superdelegates. Remember, all these large states that HRC won by a small margin, BO was once down by 20 points or more. That, and along with the popular vote lead will secure him the nomination.

    The only way for HRC to win is to have those Superdelegates to vote against the will of the people….I can’t see them doing that, more matter how much money the DLC and its proxies throw at them. But if they do, I can’t blame you Jason, or anyone else, if you leave the D’s behind…

  18. PI says:

    Brian—when you pack to leave for Costa Rica, or Mars or any other destination, I respectfully request that you take the following persons along:
    Liz Allen
    Floyd McDowell
    Allen Muller
    Mike Matthews
    Rick Jenson
    Al Mascitti
    Nancy Willing
    John Atkins
    Thurman Adams
    Tony DeLuca
    Bob Venables
    Charlie Copeland
    Melanie George-Marshall
    Dave Burris
    Mike Protack
    and, last but not leaset, Governor Meaner

    Thank you.

  19. jason330 says:

    I feel sad to have not made the cut.

  20. G Rex says:

    “…by keeping the nomination wide open the Dems are going to get all sorts of “earned media” from now until whenever”

    Are you sure you want your candidates to undergo more scrutiny? More Rezko stories? More shady NAFTA negotiating? More time for Hillary’s attack machine? More time for Bill to shoot his mouth off? Well then, let the knife fight continue.

  21. PI says:

    Please, Jason, feel free to insert your name.

  22. Al Mascitti says:

    Can’t we go to France instead?

  23. Sagacious Steve says:

    RE: Costa Rica:

    Say hi to Bebe Rebozo for me.

  24. Brian says:

    What Steve, not coming?

  25. Brian says:

    I prefer Fuxian, China with Bai Ling.

  26. Sagacious Steve says:

    Oops, wrong Nixon-era crook. I MEANT to say, ‘Say ‘hi’ to Robert Vesco for me.’


  27. Dogless says:

    I guess McCain has it all sewn up now. President Bush publicly endorsed John McCain… “I’ve campaigned against him and I’ve campaigned with him,”
    Mr. Bush said. “He’s going to be the president.”

    The Decider has decided.

  28. Pandora says:

    The Decider also said that there will be NO change with McCain! I can see the ads now!

  29. Brian says:

    We are doomed.

  30. anon says:

    How are we going to beat the bitch?

  31. June says:

    There’s too much talk today of a Clinton-Obama ticket — or an Obama-Clinton ticket. I’d really be unhappy with either one and disillusioned with Obama if he goes along with it. That would mean being part of what we’re trying to change.

  32. anon says:

    Yeah right. Can you imagine VP Candidate Hillary explaining exactly what she meant by her ads saying Obama isn’t ready to be Commander In Chief? No Hillary has burned her bridges.

  33. G Rex says:

    Maybe she meant Obama’s ready to answer the phone for her? He can pop down to the dungeon and rap on her casket if it’s anything important.

  34. Col. Kilgore says:

    I love the smell of napalm.

    It smells like…….victory.

    Thanks for the show, retards!

  35. liz allen says:

    No its Brazil for me! And thanks PI for putting me at the top of your list! I am happy to be included with many on your list.

    Now little cowardly turd, why don’t you come out of your “closet” so I can make my list.

    You see I already have a “short list”, count yourself on it.

  36. liz allen says:

    Glad to see how you democrats “eat your own”, got your eye off the ball….its McSane! and June, please tell us who you think his vp should be…just curious!

  37. jen says:

    This is just what the GOP wants and needs–Dems scathing Dems. Good thinking. Let’s keep our eyes on the ball here. I think that the prolonged nature of this endless campaign season is dragging everyone down and making them think oddly. We have seen the enemy and it is us. Refocus. Ready-fire-aim.