Obamamentum…back on track

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 8, 2008

Obama wins Wyoming and a MAJORITY of it’s 12 delegates.

Sure it isn’t a lot but a win is a win.

In poker, it doesn’t matter about the size of the pot but stopping the mojo of the other person that was on a mini roll.

(thanks Mithras for the correction)

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hiding in the open

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  1. Mithras says:

    He won 7, she won 5. The net gain is 2. Still, he’ll pick up 7 more in Mississippi next week. And as you say, a win is a win.

  2. donviti says:

    thanks for the correction

  3. Chris C says:

    Hopefully this will result in another 12 in a row and put the finishing touches on this.

  4. Steve Newton says:

    It won’t until Barack realizes that he has to drive a steak through her heart.

  5. donviti says:

    or a silver bullet

  6. Steve Newton says:

    The question really is: will Obama do what is necessary to put her in the coffin? Because if he’s not, she’ll end up with the nomination.

  7. Rebecca says:

    I keep remembering that the Clinton’s have had Secret Service protection for the past sixteen years and that the Secret Service works for Michael Chertoff who purely hates the Clintons. Heaven only knows what he’s got in store for us if Hillary gets the nomination.

    And, yeah, it’s against the law for the Secret Service to blab, but breaking the law has never stopped these people before. If McCain gets elected they’ll all be pardoned.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    I think it’s a fair question. The conundrum is thathe has to find “The Obama Way” to do it. He has to kill her in a way that doesn’t leave a mark on him. Sure, he’s a fighter at some level. But can he rise above the fear-mongering, xenophobic, race-baiting techniques used by Hillary, et al?

    I hope that there is a way to do it. It is very hard to wait out the undead. But enough about John McCain… 🙂

  9. Steve Newton says:

    Geek, I think you are only partly right here.

    Yes, he has to show some class, but he also has to be willing to accept “the mark” (as you put it), because while people want hope and change in the president this year, they also want somebody you don’t fuck with and survive.

    To date, that’s the one quality missing from the Obama campaign that both Hillary and McCain have repeatedly demonstrated.

  10. Pandora says:

    Hillary is pulling a Bush 2000. She’s already acting like she is the nominee and that she’s considering Obama as VP. She’s creating a perception, and perception can be powerful.

    I’m not sure what he can do to fight back, since I really don’t want to see him stoop to her level. Besides, whenever he does she turns it back on him by saying he isn’t living up to his higher standards.

    What he does need are surrogates, people willing to get nasty and play on her field while he remains above the fray. Hillary spokespeople are rabid. Obama could stand a few, even if he has to distance himself after each attack. He just needs someone who will counter her bullshit and throw some back at her.

    He also needs to redefine strength and courage. McCain and Hillary’s tough talk, bluster and threats do not demonstrate these traits.

    Maybe he should start linking her to McCain? She’s doing it herself – what an idiot! – so maybe he should play that up.

  11. June says:

    I agree with Pandora. Hillary says something like “I have a wealth of experience. John McCain has a wealth of experience. Barack Obama has a speech he gave in 2003. ” What a nasty lady!!! And then she and Bill play the Obama VP game to entice Obama voters. HE’S WINNING, FOR PETE’S SAKE.