Delaware Liberal

What I TRIED to read

So I tried to trade books with a person that was on the trip with me.  He bought the book at the news stand.

 I got through 20 pages and couldn’t stomach any more.  The book completely lost me after the captive was being tortured.  After getting “nothing from him”  the captive was threatened with our “enhanced techniques”.  Still the captive kept his, I am smarter than you attitude.  How dare he…oh and all this amazing nobelesque writing occurred within 3 pages.  Then after the attractive Army Major had enough, she punched the Russian Colonel in the face and stormed out of the room.

That’ll show that Ruskie!

1/2 pizza. 

I think a few of our loyal readers would have liked this book. Yes, GRRRRRRR, I’m talkin to you

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