Bullock vs. Hartley-Nagel The DL Online Caucus

Filed in National by on March 10, 2008

As this race picks up steam, we are working out the details of an online caucus system that will allow DelawareLiberal readers, commeters, and lurkers to have a direct and unprecedented voice in who Delaware Liberal will endorse in this race.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    we are working out the details of an online caucus system

    We are?

  2. anon says:

    “I don’t belong to an organized political party…”

  3. jason330 says:

    You mean you have not been working on the 3,000 lines of code?

  4. liz allen says:

    First, lets spell Karen Hartley Nagle’s name correctly….its Nagle…not Nagel!

  5. cassandra m says:

    This is the exact right time to ask for a raise, LG.

  6. jason330 says:

    Sorry Liz. That is a chronic error that I should have long since worked out.

  7. liz allen says:

    Thats okay Jason..it happens all the time. Just wanted to correct the error!

  8. liz allen says:

    Someone try to figure this one out! Last week Brian Seleander interviewed “Rev. Bullock” on WDEL. Last week Karen Hartley Nagle was the only democratic candidate who “actually is a candidate since she paid the fee”. The question is , why would Seleander interview a non-candidate, instead of having the “filed candidate on the air”!

    Reviewing the comments of Al Mascitti, one wonders if WDEL is attempting to “pick our candidate for congress”! Is any one else noticing this blatant and obvious bias?

  9. Dana Garrett says:

    “Rev. Bullock”

    Liz, why do you have Bullock’s name & title in quotation marks?

    You don’t have these people’s names in quotation marks: Karen Hartley Nagle, Al Mascitti, Brian Seleander.

    So why did you pick him out for quotation marks?

  10. liberalgeek says:

    Cass, It worked! J promised to double my salary! Wait a minute….

  11. liz allen says:

    Dana the question isn’t about “quotation” marks. I was of course emphazing the fact that it was Rev. Bullock, the unfiled candidate, who went on air, while the “filed” candidate was not invited first, protocol.

    Reverend Bullock refers to himself as Reverend Bullock. His supporters refer to him as “Rev”. Whats your problem with that?

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Liz, your quotes make it seem as if he is a preacher in name only. Imagine someone saying it with air quotes during a conversation. It could be interpreted as questioning their right to the title. I might use the same for “Dr. Phil.”

  13. Doctor Evil says:

    Just like in the first movie when I said, “lay-sers” with air quotes. It was quite evil…

  14. Dana Garrett says:

    “Liz, your quotes make it seem as if he is a preacher in name only. Imagine someone saying it with air quotes during a conversation. It could be interpreted as questioning their right to the title.”

    Exactly. And it’s for that reason this sounds like bullshit:

    “I was of course emphazing the fact that it was Rev. Bullock, the unfiled candidate, who went on air, while the “filed” candidate was not invited first, protocol.”

  15. liz allen says:

    whatever Dana! you must be bored tonight….go back to comment #60 and respond to bahumbug! deflection never works.

  16. Dana Garrett says:

    Liz, I have responded. I showed there is nothing to respond to.

    There is no evidence of any wrongdoing.

    What don’t you explicitly state what illegalities Bullock supposedly committed according to comment 60.

    Can you?

  17. liz allen says:

    Dana, ask Bahumbug he posted it? Respond to him/her!

  18. Al Mascitti says:

    Blatant and obvious bias…by what? Pointing out that, just like Mike Protack, Karen Hartley-Nagle has no fund-raising or campaign structure to speak of? That, based on her education and career, she has no qualifications to perform the job? You know those stubborn facts…they can be so biased.

  19. Rebecca says:

    Chris Bullock HAS FILED. The Committee ID # is C00446310. It’s a Federal filing so if it isn’t on the Delaware Dept. of Elections website it’s some sort of admin. issue.

    Bullock is working hard on the race: making the fundraising calls; visiting the Democratic Committees up and down the State; holding an announcement with nearly 200 people present and, contrary to what Wrong Williams reported, a lot of Dems electeds turned out to support him.

    He’s got a great website at http://www.chrisbullock.org

    He’s got a strong cadre of volunteers backing his campaign.

    From my vantage he’s doing everything a serious candidate should be doing. It is refreshing to see such professionalism. We know that’s what it will take to unseat Castle.
